Industrial Management: Volume 80 Issue 4

Table of contents

Products and services

Quicker and cheaper manufacture of shims, gaskets, washers and other flat thin‐metal components is claimed for a new pressing process developed by Ford & Co. (South Shields) Ltd…



A Philips micro‐computer controlled batching system has recently been installed at Mullard‐Simonstone Ltd., manufacturers of television tubes. This system supplied by Simon Carves…


Is your company in safe hands?

The Risks of business interruption — let alone the damage to property and possible loss of life — is so great that methods of determining and managing industrial fire risks has…


Leasing your vehicles away A definition of the alternatives

Judging by the amount of Press coverage and the fears of lost revenue emanating from the Treasury, leasing must be an expanding market. How fast is the rate, and what is the…


Keeping your production competitive means keeping up with technology

In the February issue of Industrial Management we commented on the recent report on Computer Aided Design and Manufacture produced by the Advisory Council for Applied Research and…


Understand the energy tariff maze — and save

Substantial economies can be achieved by judicious selection of energy tariffs. National Utility Service, international tariff analysts, saved 3,000 clients in the United Kingdom…


In brief

Greenham (Plant Hire) Limited have extended their range of hire services to include the provision of Access Platforms. The move follows several months research into all aspects of…



Most companies already concern themselves with some aspects of risk management, such as insurance or accident prevention, but many lack an overall risk management policy. A new…




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited