Industrial Management: Volume 79 Issue 9
Table of contents
Vickers under fire
Shop stewards combine committees are a new force in the land. Representing shop stewards in large and geographically dispersed companies, they first impinged on the national…
Henley: Where managers can air prejudices and maybe even change their mind
BOB CREWNo doubt there are quite a few managers who flinch at the prospect of listening to Clive Jenkins — and paying for it.
Radiant heating is the answer here …
Byatt's of Fenton‐Leyland, Rover, Jaguar, Daimler and Rolls‐Royce distributors — have chosen the GAS‐RAD system of radiant heaters for their car service area on the strength of a…
Sir Charles Villiers: Making BSC more businesslike
In three years of presiding over BSC, Sir Charles Villiers has seen the world steel glut produce lean times for the Corporation. From a '76 target of 35m tonnes, British Steel's…
Beware of plush carpets and drifting au pairs
Languages teacher, Colin Jones, gives some practical advice on what to look for when shopping around for a foreign language course.
Too little Too muddled Too late
A transnational study of company financial reporting is critical of the information given and the tardiness with which it is published. Here, the main points of the study are…
lighting and colour
Aesthetic consideration apart, properly co‐ordinated lighting and colour schemes produce benefits of direct interest to the industrial manager: Ease of cleaning and maintenance…
Polys fill the industry‐school gap
Polytechnics were looked upon with some sceptism by the academic establishment when they first appeared ten years ago. But, far from being the Cinderellas of further education…
The hollow promise of nuclear power
Saved from financial ruin by the discovery of North Sea oil, Britain has still to come up with an energy programme to conserve resources and reduce dependence on imported fuel…
Call for more air links in remote regions
A call for far more extensive but less sophisticated air travel facilities in remoter regions like West and North West Wales has come from the chief executive of the Development…
Systems to check machine ‘health’
Two systems designed to prevent the financial losses caused by machine breakdowns have been introduced by IRD Mechanalysis (UK) of Chester.