Industrial Management: Volume 79 Issue 6

Table of contents

Unredeeming outcome to strike pay study

Chris Phillips

The Engineering Employers' Federation took a measured stride into the ruckus over financial help for strikers and emerged with some wobbly conclusions.


Blue collar workers get a ticking off over time‐keeping

The chief reason for disciplinary action against blue collar workers is poor timekeeping, followed by unauthorised absence and poor work standards, says a report from the…


‘Natural justice’ — the new hurdle

‘Reasonable’ conduct — on which so much EPA case law is judged — may require that someone facing dismissal should be allowed to put his (or her) side of the case. But one recent…


How much scope for real reform?

With the notable exception of State benefit to strikers' families, most of the Conservative Government's proposals for labour relations reform are not that extreme, argues Stanley…


Packages to curb costs

For companies with well‐run transport and distribution set‐ups, computer software systems providing cost and performance information may lead to little more than fine‐tuning. But…



Historical precedent suggests that the Government should reduce interest rates to stimulate investment and growth, and allow the pound to fall marginally to stimulate exports and…


Square deal from m2

Rising land costs, coupled with the inconstancies of production demand, have put a premium on types of accommodation which don't entail the expense of putting up — and perhaps…


Company tax losses explained…

A new title in the ‘Chartac Taxation Guide’ series, published by The Institute of Chartered Accountants, illustrates the variety of ways in which company tax losses and reliefs…


Surveyor's report highlights rental shortfalls

Measures to spread industry more evenly throughout the UK could falter if building developers don't get a higher rental return on their capital investments, according to a report…




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

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Emerald Publishing Limited