Industrial Management: Volume 79 Issue 5
Table of contents
Out on a limb over differentials
Chris PhillipsThe ill‐fated strike by craftsmen at BL Cars is another graphic illustration of industry's pay bargaining muddles.
When ‘last orders’ led to marching orders
Barrister, Robert Gaitskell, examines the case of a woman shop steward who was late back to work after a pre‐Christmas drinkspace — and how she won a partial victory over unfair…
Saving costs with load spreading
A Maximum Demand Controller, designed to save up to 20 per cent on industrial electricity costs without reducing power consumption, is being marketed by the Middles‐borough‐based…
Interest rates: The Election non‐issue
Caught up in the emotive issues of labour strife and prices, politicians from all three major parties brushed aside the one subject which has been an underlying factor in poor…
How Lee Spring wound up buyer interest
The ‘whiter‐than‐white’ marketing techniques of the consumer business don't cut any ice with buyers in industry — so how does an industrial supplier go about increasing his market…
Du Pont falls out with its would‐be neighbours
Plans by Du Pont, the chemical multinational, to build offices and a laboratory in Stevenage New Town have run up against opposition by residents. The protest strikes a sour note…
Bank rate: A key influence on national demand
With past evidence suggesting a close relationship between Minimum Lending Rate and the buoyancy — or stagnation — of the industrial property market, the current level of interest…
Filters to combat the information ‘pollution’
Planning charts are a necessary counterbalance to the mass of information which now assails management. This report examines some of the ways chart systems have been adapted to…
Products and services
Covering what is believed to be the largest single industrial roof area in the UK are 120,000 m2 of Fesco roof insulation board supplied by Johns‐Manville under a £250,000…