Industrial Management: Volume 79 Issue 12

Table of contents

From the new Editor

Judith Beer

Readers of Industrial Management will be familiar with the wide range of topics covered in the magazine over the past years, topics such as Energy conservation, Industrial…


Products and services

use of tools. An additional two wheels make this truck very sturdy and able to carry a variety of different loads without having to change the truck.


Technology for industry

Throughout Europe, manufacturers are finding the control and recording of multipoint point batch mixing operations can become more accurate and that their overall production…


Find out about UK environmental controls and effects

Companies are under pressure to disclose environmental information on their existing plants and processes, their project proposals and, increasingly, on their products. The…


Now you see it — now you hear it: Audio visual techniques for a company to use

Overhead projectors (OHP's) are probably the most used medium in small meetings and there are good reasons for this popularity.


Where a picture is worth a thousand pounds

January 28th to 31 st marks the occasion of an industrial and commerical photography exhibition to be held in Harrogate. This article looks at the influence a good photograph can…


Cutting stock control bottlenecks with lasers

Bar coded items that can be read quickly and efficiently by lasers are impacting the supermarket and retail industry. But applications can be more far‐reaching than this and…


The money‐go‐round of business — how to keep hold of working capital

The life blood of any business, whatever its size, is working capital. Manage it effectively, and you head for success. Mismanage it, and you head for grief. Working capital…


Energy conservation

designed to “Save It” this winter As bleak winter weather conditions approach and the price of all heating fuels continues to soar, the problem of energy conservation assumes…



Full details of the Institute's Education Programme will be published shortly. Members will be interested in the details of the Course Team selected to run the first pilot scheme…


In brief

British gas business users pay worlds highest prices A new NUS survey of world prices for Natural Gas reveals that British gas customers pay the world's highest prices for supply…


First detailed survey of job evaluation

Job evaluation is increasingly used by employers in Britain and, assuming that company management continues to increase in complexity and sophistication and that jobs continue to…




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

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Emerald Publishing Limited