Industrial Management: Volume 79 Issue 10

Table of contents

Strike cover — at a premium

The idea for an employers' strike‐insurance scheme — to be debated at the CBI Conference in November — is a non‐starter.


Machine tool report highlights ‘efficiency spread’

British engineering companies can achieve high productivity levels and commercial success, even in the difficult trading conditions of the 1970s, a new report published by the…


Shades of grey in the Red Circle

Keeping sick or ageing employees on their former rates of pay when they move to a less demanding job (known as ‘red circling’) has caused problems since the advent of equal pay…


Modular blocks take the heat off furnace fuel costs

Furnace users in three major industries and four different countries have assessed a ceramic‐fibre insulation technique known as modular block veneering, and they report fuel…


Pipsqueak monetarism

Denis Healey once said that he would squeeze the rich until the pips squeaked.Now, in the different context of Tory economic policy and its effect on jobs and industrial…


An ‘uninscrutable’ lesson from Japan

A Japanese idea for improving product quality in industry is starting to catch on in the UK. Other benefits from the scheme include savings in production costs, more job…


Special report — factory cleaning and maintenance

Health and safety regulations apart, there are sound economic reasons for keeping the workplace clean and tidy — and a comprehensive range of products and services to meet the…


Quotation: It's not only what you sell It's the way that you sell it

Industry's salesmen are criticised by their institute chief for a slap‐happy approach to the vital task of preparing the formal written offer of sale to would‐be customers. John…


Stretch wrapping saves Hotpoint £30,000 on handling

A load which is more easily delivered to retail customers and cost savings of some £30,000 a year on materials handling are being made by Hotpoint at the company's factory at…




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited