Industrial Management: Volume 78 Issue 6
Table of contents
In Brief
A survey by Incomes Data Services indicates that absenteeism in industry has got worse since the introduction of better sick pay benefits last November.
Office equipment files a good report
James MillenWith Britain's economic prospects coming under the closest scrutiy in the post‐Budget period, many professional commentators decided they were none to happy with the Chancellor's…
Back to Basics
Tony Keniston's ideas for improving office efficiency will probably cause a few raised eyebrows — particularly among secretaries, who would be advised to read on to the end. For…
Coping with employment law: IFM seminar debates some of the problems
How do you deal with women who take advantage of the sex discrimination laws to apply for jobs for which they are patently unsuited? In cases of faulty work or misconduct, exactly…
The pursuit of enrichment in the workplace seems to have by‐passed many factory canteens where unappetising food is served up in depressing surroundings. With industrial catering…
Redundancy: one man's experience
Most of us imagine at some time what it would be like to join the ranks of the redundant. This account, written by a man who happily has found another job, shows that living…
Beware of the friendly ‘stooges’
After an arduous interview, lunch “with your future colleague, if you get the job” could be regarded as a welcome opportunity to relax. But don't! That “colleague” could well be…
‘Brain bank’ hunts for new ideas
More than enough money to meet too few inventions: That is the irony facing the Government‐backed NRDC — which lists the Hovercraft among its notable development successes — and…
Let's try the ‘negative’ approach
Across‐the‐board measures to stimulate the economy should be dropped in favour of selective aid to those manufacturing sectors that most need it, says Stanley Alderson. He…
More to ERP than cost‐cutting
Despite its title, the Expense Reduction Programme run by one of the world's major oil companies is designed to achieve more than a curb on overheads. Don Schofield — who saw ERP…
Planned maintenance cuts costs
Whether it's by replacing light bulbs before they burn out or modifying equipment design, planned maintenance is a good housekeeping practice which can lead to a substantial…