Industrial Management: Volume 78 Issue 3
Table of contents
Bucking the trend
Surveys need to be treated with caution. With some, the questions are loaded, or the findings “doctored”, for propaganda purposes. Others readily give a sample number, but…
In Brief
An attack on the workings of VAT has been launched by Chartered Accountant, John Price. In a letter to HM Customs he claims that they do not understand the situation, that their…
At Your Service
A Lancashire company have come up with a key card technique to protect fleet vehicle operators from fuel frauds.
the investor
Ian FraserIan Frazer rejects the claim that banks and pension funds have ‘boycotted’ investment in industry. The reason that the lending institutions have a surplus of investment cash, he…
The trailer makers with get up and go
John DavisThree men decided to set up on their own in the fiercely competitive road trailer market. Chris Phillips reports on the enthusiasm which keeps the company thriving — and the…
The chance to air your views
What do you feel about the status of management in British industry today? Has the manager's job been helped or hindered by legislation concerning equal pay, dismissal proceedings…
Power to the diesel
David Evans looks at the state of play on the diesel engine market. Whether to buy British or foreign, water cooled or air cooled…
So you want to learn a language…
For years to come, whenever the subject of mistranslation or the misuse of language is discussed, people will recall that marvellous moment when the Poles were told just how much…
Production by computer: the step into real time
Michael Clay outlines some of the practical difficulties of introducing a computerised production system and the extent to which processes should be automated before they run the…
Brighter prospects for Electricals
James MillenThe Stock Market suffered a good deal from nervousness at the fag‐end of January — depressed by the 70 points drop in the Dow Jones Index since the year‐end and the prospects of…