Industrial Management: Volume 78 Issue 12

Table of contents

Labour strife: a by‐product of bigness is best

Chris Phillips

The finding by the Institute of Economic and Social Research that big factories are more strike‐prone than small ones is likely to meet with the response: So, what's new?


EEF challenges ‘dubious’ productivity figures

Is industry given an accurate picture of its productivity performance? Probably not, according to the Engineering Employers' Federation, which has just completed its own…


Ford gets the sauce while TUC gets the gravy

With a Government hanging on through the good‐will of the minority parties, it cannot be expected that legislation of a contentious nature should appear. Which is perhaps just as…


This? or This?

Engineering Union leader, John Boyd, talks exclusively to Industrial Management about the renewed con‐troversy over strike action decided on a show of hands'


Qualified response to ‘competence’ report

Stanley Alderson takes a critical look at proposals for improving the effectiveness of industry's training officers, following the collapse of a formal introductory training…


Where there's muck …

Authors of a new Hobart Paper argue that the cost of maintaining a bureacracy to regulate anti‐pollution laws can outweigh the economic consequences of allowing such pollution to…




There's hardly an association, institute or company of any real size that doesn't feel the urge to have at least one get‐together each year. More and more are catching the…


In need of a winter tonic?: Then why not try one of these holiday weekends…

So, you had a wistful look through the summer holiday brochures, decided that two weeks in a hotel for a family of four would call for a dispensation from the bank manager and…


At Your Service

A ship unloading system based on a new concept in the mechanical bulk handling of materials has been introduced by Simon‐Carves Ltd of Stockport.


The Luddite revival

Resistance to technological change is less violent now than the machine‐smashing episodes of the last century. But the actions — or inactions — of today's ‘Luddites’ are…


Pricing your name

Stanley Alderson reviews a new book dealing with corporate personality and concludes that names and images of merger‐bound companies play an undervalued part in success or failure.


How US companies tackle the pressure group challenge

How does the concept and exercise of public relations in British industry compare with that of the United States? Not at all favourably, according to this report.




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

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Emerald Publishing Limited