Industrial Management: Volume 78 Issue 10
Table of contents
Lucas workers deserve better than this
With the job protection plan, prepared by Lucas Aerospace workers, getting a two‐hour airing on television recently, now seems as good a time as any to recall what has happened…
In Brief
The new Government pricing policy which took effect on August 1 is more difficult in many ways for companies to deal with than the one it replaced.
At Your Service
Sister Companies, BYC Rollmakers and Lancashire Tube Stockholders have found a means of sharing a large open plan, double span building in Bolton, despite the fact that they each…
Against the national interest
The long days of speculation and pre‐election fever ended abruptly with the Ministerial broadcast by Prime Minister, Jim Callaghan, leaving an amazed media and disappointed…
Orders boost for building materials
James MillenThe extent of the ‘boom’ on the Stock Market — fuelled by confidence in the improvement in the rate of inflation figures and a strengthening pound — in the five weeks to August 11…
Are you being short‐changed buy your budget?
Company budgets have a dual fuction — as a planning and motivational aid. But attemps to use one budget for both purposes can lead to confusion, say Anthony Puxty and Denys…
Why present measures won't work
The Government attempts to curb rising unemployment with job creation schemes and subsidies, while the unions have come up with their answer — a cut in the working week. Stanley…
How do we cope with the microputer age?
A recent seminar, organised by European Study Conferences, discussed the economics of introducing microprocessors into manufacturing operations and the type of applications which…
Sound advice but hollow result
There's no shortage of advice, or promotional activity, among firms involved with industrial security; the police have their crime prevention units; and teh insurance companies…
Export financing: — How your bank can help
One of the questions a prospective exporter invariably asks is: ‘How do I ensure that I get paid for the goods?’ This article, prepared by Williams and Glyn's Bank, explains the…