Industrial Management: Volume 78 Issue 1
Table of contents
Thwarting the tax man
THAT promising current affairs series, The London Programme, transmitted by London Weekend Television, got its pocket calculators working overtime recently in a spirited effort to…
In Brief
Managers ‘unprepared’ for safety reps, says Inspector Managements worried about the advent of union‐appointed Safety Representatives are rightly concerned — not because the…
At Your Service
Combating shopfloor ‘dermatitis’ The industrial safety unit of Kerodex Limited has produced a Survey Form which, says the company's managing director, Dr Kenneth Alberman, should…
Institute of Factory Management
With the feature in this issue of Industrial Management on the growth of television “grass roots” coverage of industry, information concerning media “coaching” and allied courses…
Inside industry through outside broadcast
After years of covering industrial affairs with superficial film footage and studio chats with familiar management and union figures, television is at last making creditable…
Manager — teach thyself
Roderick Wilkinson — a manager in manufacturing industry — gives his views as to why so much ‘management training’ is misconceived.
Pay:let the unions decide
Historically, wage tussles have been between worker and boss. Arguing that this confrontation is now out‐dated—with pay levels nowadays fixed by inter‐union pressures — author and…
The merits‐and pitfalls‐of licensing deals
Selling product know‐how, rather than the product itself, is a useful way of generating income — especially in protectionist markets overseas. But this trade tactic is by no means…
Bad colour does more than bring on the blues…
…it obscures hazard spots, makes it more difficult for workers to see what they are doing and hinders maintenance work. Here, we examine what good colour schemes in factories can…
Star performance by machine tools
Beginning with this issue, James Millen looks at individual company and industrial sector performances. Here, he reports on the encouraging progress of a sector which forms the…
Shades of Orwell in the efficiency drive
While office administrators struggle to contain post and phone costs, a senior ITT executive gives his views on how a communications system might operate ten years from now…