Industrial Management: Volume 77 Issue 5
Table of contents
DENIS Healey's ploy for getting the unions to agree to another round of pay restraint is, to twist the saying, a case of using a sprat to prevent the mackerel from swimming away.
In Brief
Roll call “Britain is still paying only lip service to ways and means of cutting the country's massive imports bill. While countries like Germany — in relatively good economic…
The marginal benefits of State aid
Government aid to boost manufacturing investment is currently running at well over £200m — yet only £13m has so far been taken up by individual companies. Ken Gooding looks at…
Giving your transport a new lease of life
Roy Renshaw, managing director of Camden Motor Rentals — a subsidiary of Mercantile Credit — outlines the advantages of fleet leasing or contract hire compared to outright…
Business schools come under fire from Action Man
Reg Revans has no time for the ‘unreal’, case‐study method of management education in the classroom. His belief — that people learn best by solving real problems, and that a…
Curtain — raiser on EUROCHEM
EUROCHEM, the first major British chemical and process engineering show for more than six years, takes place at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, next month. Will it do…
Quids in with QED
Industrial Motivation offer a blitz‐type package for cutting company overheads — with the customer's employees putting in the work. Is QED a costly gimmick, or does it offer the…
David Dove with the first of three articles on suggestions for getting the unfit manager into trim. The suggestions are not going to hit your pocket in the form of health farm…
Finesse without flummery
I DON'T remember how many roundabouts there are on the A1 between Stevenage and the York turn‐off. That is about the most apt tribute I can pay the Cavalier.