Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 9

Table of contents

The lessons of Seveso

FLIXBOROUGH, now Seveso. Two separate incidents in different countries, but both involving chemical process accidents that spread disaster well beyond the factory gates.


An answer for those ‘off days’?

Everyone gets the feeling from time to time that “today is not my day”. Until recently no one attempted to explain “off days”. New the behavioural scientists are suggesting that…


Complications over the ‘baby law’

The maternity leave provisions of the Employment Protection Act pose contractual problems for employers and are likely to deprive career‐minded women of the very goal that the law…


Healey's message to management: It's the time to cut out moaning

Chancellor Denis Healey takes a buoyant look at Britain's recovery prospects — but wishes his optimism was shared by more of industry's leaders. The reaction by some…


The management misfits

He may be a good production director, but would he make a good chief executive? Training consultant and management author, Hawdon Hague, examines some of the haphazard methods…


Cart‐before‐the‐horse thinking persists

Too many manufacturers still think of materials handling in terms of the odd truck or conveyor. Others are apt to treat handling systems as an afterthought in factory design…


Credit where credit's due

ICI's credit clampdown has brought squeals of protest and prompted the obvious question: Will ICI — and other industrial giants — speed up payments to their own creditors? Alec…


Wet or dry, industry is in for a soaking

Short‐time working and plant shutdowns brought about by the summer drought have forcefully reminded industry that water is no longer a commodity to be taken for granted. And with…



A factory move needs more justification than cheaper housing for workers and freedom from traffic jams. David Cable, of management consultants Knight Wegenstein, details the…


A car that's ideal for the high‐mileage driver

LAUNCHED in 1970, the Renault T series won such immediate acclaim, both in this country and the rest of Europe, that the makers added three other versions to the series.




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

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Emerald Publishing Limited