Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 7
Table of contents
What industry can learn from the Lucas affair
IT's difficult to know whether employees at Lucas Aerospace have come up with a really practicable solution for averting redundancy because many of their more detailed proposals…
In Brief
Catherwood on Britain's ‘enormous’ investment task …….. “The investment needed in British industry to balance our trade is enormous”, Sir Frederick Catherwood, chairman of the…
The profitable hopes of NEB
The State‐backed National Enterprise Board is not out to wrest business from private fund raising sources, stresses Leslie Murphy, the board's deputy chairman. Rather, it's the…
Management's handling of the Lucas Aerospace corporate plan — prepared by shop stewards in a bid to safeguard jobs — could imperil forthcoming pay talks. Report by Chris Phillips.
Shady advice for those workplace blues
Experiencing labour unrest at the factory? It could have something to do with the colour scheme. With scientists demonstrating the effect of different colours on mood — and even…
‘Block’ bookings for Centre‐file
Centre‐file's ‘building block’ technique — using standard packages and rearranging them to suit individual customer needs — is just one of the reasons attributed by managing…
There's more to Saudi than oil
British exporters are wrong to believe that Saudi Arabia is interested only in costly, oil‐related projects. Opportunities for joint ventures to widen the country's industrial…
With the new pensions law due to come into force in the spring of 1978, companies have to start debating whether to run earnings‐related benefits privately, hand them over to the…