Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 3

Table of contents


Arguments about the incidence of bribery in big business are littered with hypocrisy, hair‐splitting and euphemisms.


In Brief

Remploy's hidden asset One of the most infuriating characteristics of industry is that the labour which companies have to lay off when times are bad is seldom still available when…


Payrolling made easy

A computerised wages system, which is claimed to be both simple and cheap, has been designed with the small firm in mind.


Investment: getting the records straight

Much of British industry's present plight has been attributed to flagging investment. But a splurge in capital spending will not necessarily lead to a corresponding improvement in…


Regional aid: the benefits and burdens

Efforts to spread industry more evenly throughout Britain are costing the taxpayer more than £500m a year — and no one can say with any certainty what the overall benefits are…


The need for general management in small firms

Small firms may resist the general management role, claiming that they have neither the time nor resources to devote to such issues as market research or manpower planning. But…


Any risk — at a price

How do insurers cover themselves against high‐risk projects and astronomical indemnities? Alec Snobel reports on the secrets of reinsurance, Britain's major invisible export.


Check in here for a checklist

The distillation of ideas and questions into a concise, memory‐prodding list is an aid which no manager can afford to be without. Michael Clay — planning manager of a major…



Brewery giants, Bass Charrington and Allied, are now headed by two men who worked together for more than ten years. Ken Gooding talks to Keith Showering and Derek Palmar about…


US business: the sex equality myth

Ambitious women can now compete for top management jobs in Britain, buttressed by the latest equality laws. But what sort of obstacles have they still to overcome? Donald Huffmire…


Down on the (health) farm

Companies are finding that they reap the harvest of higher productivity by sending key executives to re‐condition body and mind at Britain's booming hydros. Alec Snobel reports.


This Beta could be better

ALTHOUGH Lancia have never achieved the popularity of some foreign car manufacturers, they have nevertheless gained a devoted following among many UK motoring enthusiasts.




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited