Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 10
Table of contents
An urgent case of Steel Appeal
ITEM: the British manufacturing arm of the Demag materials handling group — specialists in overhead crane production — buy most of their steel from the Continent.
In Brief
Yet another survey to reinforce the belief that talented British managers are looking abroad for a better deal.
The Japanese example
John Diebold — president of the Diebold management consultancy and investment group — gives his view as to why the Japanese economy has come through world recession relatively…
‘Equality’ tribunals come under fire
Loopholes in the Equal Pay Act are being used by employers in industrial tribunal hearings — and tacitly accepted by tribunal members who lack experience of industrial pay…
A positive approach from Ilford
Here's a case history to demonstrate that flexible working hours can be applied to production areas as well as offices. Ilford find that one of the benefits of the system is a…
Refined planning for raw materials
Planning manager Michael Clay — drawing from his own experience working for a major chemical company — offers some advice on stock control of raw materials.
Covrad's shopfloor
Eight engineering workers faced with short‐time working because of a shrinking order book, took to the road to see if they could do better than the company salesmen. They didn't…
Much of industry's staggering theft bill could be averted with more thought given to the security aspects of new factories and warehouses. Meanwhile, management is still inclined…
Management consultant and author, Barry Maude, looks at some of the ways individual companies have set about improving management communication. As one chief executive comments…
Good, but not memorable
THE ONLY Vauxhall I ever owned was a G registration Victor with 40,000‐plus miles on the clock when I bought it.