Industrial Management: Volume 75 Issue 7
Table of contents
The tangled web of pay restraint
APPEARANCES, as they say, can be deceptive. But let no one be fooled by the Government's £6 a week ceiling on pay rises. Stripped of pretence, it is mutton being served up to an…
Food for thought in the cash famine
For many small and medium sized companies — battered by recession and inflation — the prospect of an upturn in the economy is clouded by their inability to fund expansion of trade…
Brief encounter
Keeping employees “in the know” with briefing groups is a communications practice which is gaining widespread support throughout industry. Here, Bill Tegner of the Industrial…
Opinion polls are about to be used to diagnose the state of labour relations, with John Clemens — head of the Marplan research group — involved in the setting up of a service…
The North Sea price gamble
Is North Sea oil really going to prove Britain's economic saviour. Or will it turn out to be a mighty black elephant? With the first yield now coming ashore, oil industry…
The Government's inflation subsidy scheme for exporters who undertake fixed‐price contracts outside the Common Market is under a two‐fold attack. Some companies claim that it…
Telling it like it is
Too often, public relations is merely looked upon as a means of producing a company newspaper, arranging cosy press conferences and churning out press releases. When a company is…
How Rose got Central Wagon rolling again
With managers stifled of initiative and head office decisions based on wrong information, Central Wagon — the steel processing and engineering group — used to be a classic example…
Why you could be on to a good number with ‘Serial’ staffing
Rising labour costs have made overstaffed offices an unwelcome luxury. Yet the ad hoc use of “temps” to handle peaks in the work load can often hinder rather than help office…
Why the switch to rail is a non‐starter
Debt‐ridden British Rail is in no position to capitalise on the road haulier's struggle against soaring costs — even if it wanted to. In this, the second of a two‐part transport…
UK cool on trade with Greece
Freed from the repressive influence of military government, the Greek economy is steering away from dependence on foreign investment and tourism towards industrial…