Industrial Management: Volume 75 Issue 6
Table of contents
Equality at a price
LIKE an overloaded camel already buckling at the knees, British industry is about to be saddled with the proverbial straw.
The will to work
At a time when the earning power and authority of management is being undermined by political and economic forces, executive job motivation is more vital than ever , says William…
accounting for Inflation
With the report of the Sandilands Committee now imminent, Alec Snobel discusses the conflict between Current Purchasing Power and Replacement Cost methods of financial reporting.
Companies who find themselves under attack from the growing number of pressure groups are ill‐advised to respond either with hostility or scornful dismissal. For, as Dave Grayston…
FREIGHT: the hidden factors
There's much more to freight analysis than cost‐time comparisons, says Derek Coomber, Editor of Freighting World. The economics of transport are governed to a large degree by…
Taking the chore out of decision making
RATHER than taking responsibility away from management, computer systems for project control can actually increase management responsibility. This comes about because the computer…
“Most people are not frightened to speak up — it's just that they have never been encouraged to do so,” says George Ashton, head of Tube Investments' machine division. Ashton �…
The case for ‘selling’ a pension scheme
Employee benefit schemes can cost a company 30 per cent or more of payroll. Yet all too often these schemes are presented in language which is incomprehensible to the very people…
China's in the market for North Sea know‐how
Britain's newly acquired skills in oil exploration are being eagerly courted by China, who wants to build up her own oil industry to offset a hefty trade deficit. Report by John…
In these days of galloping inflation how much does a company need to spend on a “prestige” car? Is a car, bought with this in mind, a good investment? The accountant will usually…