Industrial Management: Volume 75 Issue 4
Table of contents
Black marks for Healey's wages lesson
Accusations from some union leaders and left‐wing MPs that Denis Healey's attitude towards men demanding “excessive” pay rises is like that of a tetchy schoolmaster dealing with…
Why the ACAS faces collapse
At a time when the ACAS is chalking up some notable successes in the settlement of industrial disputes, its future as a conciliation service could be in jeopardy. It is faced with…
More and more middle managers are seeking the collective strength of white collar unions as they see their pay outstripped by inflation and jobs put at risk by industrial…
One of Carl Duerr's first moves on taking over at Bonser Engineering — the Nottingham‐based fork lift truck makers — was to put a shop‐floor worker on the board. But although…
Fighting the fire hazard
At a time of soaring labour costs, price controls, dividend restraint and a host of other economic problems, fire prevention and control is an issue which management might be…
Keep one jump ahead with Kangaroo transport
A road‐rail haulage technique, pioneered in France in a bid to cut fuel costs and speed up deliveries, is catching on in other European countries. Here, we report on how the…
CANADA ˜ the call of the new Klondike
Resistance to US dominance and continuing affection for the “mother country” combine to make resource‐rich Canada a leading attraction for British exporters. And specialist tool…
Sales Lift‐off With Mission Control
EXPORT orders are not always won solely by hard work. Occasionally, it needs a bit of luck — as John Black will tell you.
The fight to level the Lump
The slump in the building industry has produced one side‐effect welcomed by both management and unions. Lump labour — provided by men who use their self‐employed status to dodge…
Alec Snobel talks to Britain's leading Personnel Consultants about the market for managers in our depressed economy.
For £1 a month for each shopfloor worker, a company in the West Midlands is using a computer system which, from payroll data, is capable of improving production efficiency — and…