Industrial Management: Volume 73 Issue 7/8
Table of contents
Threadbare response to sacking law
Ewan Mitchell takes a critical look at the unfair dismissal provisions of the IR Act and explains why 70% of compensation claims have failed.
On paper, Portals is guids in
Every pound in your pocket is printed on Portals' paper. And with the Bank of England holding a 32% stake, this £35m specialist paper‐to‐water treatment group is shielded from…
From razor blades to iced tea, British‐owned companies have penetrated the fiercely competitive American market with a strategy of infiltration rather than outright invasion. One…
Troubles at home keep the ‘minnows’ out of Europe
With inflation and the headaches posed by VAT yet to be sorted out, small and medium‐sized firms are hesitant about venturing into Europe. Yet it is these companies who face the…
East‐West trade of the future will be consortia‐based, with multinationals standing to benefit most from helping Communist countries to exploit their natural resources. But…
Reading the small print
Michael WrightWeir Pumps is a medium‐sized engineering company with several factories in the Glasgow area. It has between 29,000 and 30,000 stock parts, and for a number of years has been…
‘Make parent company liable for a subsidiary's losses,’ urges report
Colin O'DwyerA FEW WEEKS AGO, Harold Geneen, chairman and chief executive officer of the now famous International Telephone and Telegraph Company, formally opened the giant 23‐storey ITT…
Airlines stall on pilot
At a time when cut‐throat competition from the charter companies has eroded airline revenues, pilots have become increasingly vociferous in the demands for better pay and working…
An ode to Lord Jim
When he's not tramping the grouse moors, adding a chapter to his biography, or watching a home rugby international, Lord Netherthorpe turns to his favourite pastime—verse writing…
Ceasefire on the labour front
In a whole range of industries, from steel to printing, there is growing harmony between US management and unions, reports Keith Mayes. With the country's economic system under…