Industrial Management: Volume 73 Issue 2
Table of contents
Training for what?
A feature in this month's issue on the work of Government training centres (page 22) is appropriate for two reasons. First, when Employment Secretary, Maurice Macmillan, was…
A refined case for dearer energy
Jim Hill‘No company, no matter how big on paper, can continue to show the kind of meagre return on investment that a number of oil companies have been showing over recent years. They are…
Credit cards trump the ‘greenback’
‘With credit cards it is possible to pay for baseball tickets, an appendectomy and income taxes. Much of the retail economy rests on Corinthian columns of plastic.’
The brain in your pocket
Michael WrightSuddenly, in less than two years, a new high‐technology consumer product has swept world markets—the electronic pocket calculator. Such machines range from the relatively simple…
Gilts pose threat to private bank funds
MAURICE BARNFATHERSir John Stevens, chairman of Morgan Grenfell, talks about the future prospects for merchant banking. One of the immediate worries, he says, is the possibility of a Government…
AEROSPACE:Still waiting for that Euro‐unity
Britain's planemakers are flushed with confidence as orders pick‐up and expanding production lines remove the redundancy spectre of recession days. But Roger Eglin questions this…
State‐run training centres have to overcome some major shortcomings before they can play a full part in the Government's new manpower planning programme, reports Leslie Kenton…
Controversy over who‐gets‐what in the North Sea oil business has raged even more fiercely since an official report called for greater involvement by British industry. Russell…
Sir Gerald works wonders…
Brewery chief, Sir Gerald ‘Joe’ Thorley, is un‐ashamedly ambitious. ‘Never be satisfied with what you have achieved, and always aim for something more,’ he tells Ken Gooding. It's…
The matchmaker who fell for Brazil
Ian Gilbert, chairman of the British Match Corporation, is fond of good wine, golfing and reading biographies. But his overriding love is Brazil—a country he has courted regularly…
Inside Westminster
Paul NovakPost Office considers rebate scheme for code users. CASH INCENTIVES MAY be offered to large business users of Britain's mail services to persuade them to use the postal code…