Industrial Management: Volume 73 Issue 11
Table of contents
Oil crisis points need for new energy sources
TWO MEN WHO have maintained a diplomatic silence during the present oil crisis are Coal Board chairman Derek Ezra and Roy Mason, former Labour Minister of Power. For if they were…
‘Modern law is not only an ass but as strange as a donkey with two heads’
There are strange double standards in the law. It is better for a legally aided litigant to lose a case, than for a non‐aided litigant to win, says Ewan Mitchell. It's all part of…
Need industry fear Labour's Socialist soul?
The Labour Party has produced ambitious new nationalization plans for British Industry. Although the controversial plan to take 25 major companies into State ownership has been…
Japan's hard driving motor makers penetrate British market
Since 1971 sales of Japanese cars in Britain have soared. The British motor industry is reeling from this surprise attack. What is the secret of Japan's success? Roger Eglin…
Industry clash over Europe's guest workers
The problem of Europe's guest workers — the gastarbeiter—is nibbling at British industry. The unions don't want them while managers in low paying industries do. But the Government…
Accountants wake up to inflation threat
Long term inflation has forced accountants to examine traditional accounting techniques. Old historical cost methods are giving way to inflation pegged accounting. Yet inflation…
Why English is not enough
Speaking another language is not just an asset for British executives these days — it's a necessity. And learning is not the lengthy process it used to be. Leslie Kenyon…
Decisive Abel Smith delegates success at Astonia
David Abel Smith faced a tricky management problem when he joined the Astonia Division of Delta Metal as Chairman. How to organise several small units into efficient profit making…
Sport sponsors race hots up
Sport sponsorship—seemingly well established—is coming under sharp attack. Yet sponsorship remains a flourishing sub‐industry, and sponsors are fighting off accusations that they…
MPs probe could produce investment grant squeeze
There is growing evidence that‐ investment grants are being either misused or shunned by an increasing number of companies. Parliament is investigating, as Paul Whiting reports…
U.S. Arab lobby grows as oil crisis bites
The Middle East war has placed the U.S. on the horns of a dilemma—how to pursue a traditional support for Israel without offending oil supplying Arab states. But any change in…
Filibuster hits EEC drugs policy
Colin O'DwyerThe EEC's pharmaceutical policy was first formulated in 1965. But today it has scarcely advanced past its first proposal.