Industrial Management: Volume 72 Issue 9
Table of contents
Compromise: the lost word
A crisis either unites or divides. The supreme tragedy of the past few weeks is that two sides, whatever their political views, were basically striving for the same goal—security…
Inside Westminster
British strikers top of the world league for State subsidies AS THE CABINET sweats it out in the never‐ending battle to win industrial peace, Edward Heath has told Sir Keith…
Run the gauntlet—and pace the world
John R. KircheisIT HAS BEEN SAID that our basic society—including big business—is now facing a changed attitude from the young, a general unrest.
Lazard's get the credit
MAURICE BARNFATHERUnder the direction of Hugo Kindersley, Lazard's, the merchant bankers, are responding to stiff competition in the export credit field by extending their advisory service to…
Macmillan challenges the tradition of one man one skill
The man with the hottest job in politics, Employment Secretary Maurice Macmillan, talks exclusively to Industrial Management about the ‘root’ problem of inflation and preparing…
As chairman of Simon Engineering, Leopold Brook has kept his company's profit record looking good in spite of the atrocious economic situation in Britain. But, he tells Ken…
Preston Witts reports on industry's disturbing tendency to pass the buck on pollution control
From 0˜100 in 12 months flat
The past year has seen an astonishing growth in the £2,000‐plus prestige car market as manufacturers recognise that profit margins more than compensate for low volume. Jaguar…
Company secrets: Apex chief issues leak warning
Union leader Roy Grantham, disgruntled by what he sees as lack of information given by many managements during wage negotiations, is planning a showdown. In the event of a talks…
Less power to the people
Keith MayesTo gain access to one of America's toll‐roads you must first throw the appropriate coins into a basket at steering wheel height. Then a traffic light changes from red to green…
Ceramics are forever
Chris PhillipsMention ceramics to the layman and the range of uses would probably extend no further than kitchen and bathroom ware, with perhaps the odd mention of sparking plugs and insulators…
From Master Carr to Master Cutler
ARNOLD CARR, Master Cutler of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire in the County of York, chairman and managing director of Thomas W. Ward, the Sheffield‐based group of…