Industrial Management: Volume 72 Issue 6
Table of contents
On the end of the queue
This is not an easy time to talk about employment of the handicapped. In spite of hopeful signs, this country will have a long dole queue for many, many months. Standing in it are…
Davies's dilemma: Consumer protection and company freedom
Paul NovakTHE CABINET IS under mounting pressure from Conservative MPs to appoint an Ombudsman for Britain's shoppers as part of a major review of consumer protection now being carried out…
Car competition fierce in Common Market
THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION recently published a study on ‘The Indices of Concentration and Concrete Application in the Car Sector within the Community’. The study is experimental…
Competing on the same side
Reay Geddes‘The enlarged Community cannot afford a gentle period of gradually growing together.’
A growing number of American businessmen are forsaking the opportunity of returning to jobs with parent companies in the United States in favour of staying in Britain and Europe.
Faint heart ne'er wor fair profit
Philip Rambaut practises what he preaches. The chairman of Richard Johnson and Nephew tells Ken Gooding that, for the bold industrialist, there has never been a better time to…
Management ensnared by the ‘splinter’ feud
The TUC calls them ‘pseudo‐unions’. The men who have broken away to form their own negotiating groups say they are guided by professional codes—and firms are caught up in the…
There are signs of optimism in the mechanical handling industry — Mark Radcliffe, right, says that Lancer Boss is going for an aggressive expansion policy. But, as Roger Eglin of…
Industrial Management with WILDINGS
Commencing with the June 1972 issue, Industrial Management will be both published and printed by Wilding & Son Limited of Shrewsbury, who have recently purchased this Journal from…
Soft touch for concrete
Chris PhillipsAS YOU STEP from the concrete pavement into your concrete factory block, pause before opening the wooden office door. At any time now that door could be made of concrete—as could…
out of the non‐stick frying pan
Keith Mayes‘The space programme is the first time that technology has advanced at an abnormal rate without depending on a war …’
Curling up at Twickers
Sir george dowty has a favourite line that never fails to startle unknowing friends and acquaintances. It begins: ‘When I was playing for England at Twickenham a few years ago…’