Industrial Management: Volume 72 Issue 5
Table of contents
Ready, steady…?
IF INDUSTRY HAS LOST its paunch in terms of surplus labour, it has not yet started doing its press‐ups. The streamlining of companies that has gone on in past months has been…
Postal code penalties
Paul NovakPost office chiefs, facing the possible collapse of the complicated and controversial postal code, are considering a range of ‘penalties’ to try to force firms and customers to…
Shying away from the Trojan horse
Walter Hoadley‘Thus, you are going to see a retreat by American companies overseas. Unless a business can stand the test of profitability it is not going to be expanded and, indeed, it might be…
Prospects best for medium firms
David HaworthIT IS WRONG TO THINK the departments of the European Commission are staffed by fanatical devotees of centralization. The fact is that the disparities which still exist between the…
Companies should pay for shop steward training — Len Neal
The increasing sophistication and authority of the shop steward in British industry demands a new attitude by management towards his role in industrial relations. Far from being a…
Shipping: on the crest of a trough
World shipping is going through a severe recession; Japan's cutback, the US import surcharge and a mild winter reducing oil demand have all taken their toll. Roger Eglin…
Government should dig deep for UK Europort
To fall in line with Common Market policy, it seems likely that Britain's new port at Maplin, Essex, could be financed with public sector cash. Richard Brooks reports.
Geo. Bassett, the revamped jelly babies‐to‐Nquorice all‐sorts confection group, has in Bill Mills (left) a managing director who dislikes using redundancy as a management tool and…
State intervention a must for EEC industry
With Britain's Government first having scorned public intervention in industry, and then yielded to it as an inevitability, Professor Giuseppe Petrilli, president of the Institute…
A lighter shade of Stern
Bernard Stern admits to being a schizophrenic, working as hard at his industrial lighting business as he does at being an artist—and both with great success. Story by John…
Piping cold
A simple skewer device—available to housewives in America for cooking meat more efficiently than by just putting it in the oven—works on a principle that offers attractions to…
Plugging the 24‐hour gap
‘The American Gas Company once deleted any reference whatsoever to “gas” or “ovens” in an explanation of Buchenwald,’… Keith Mayes reports from New York on round‐the‐clock…