Industrial Management: Volume 72 Issue 2

Table of contents

No ponds for small fish

It does seem rather strange that, whilst the Government attempts to get industry going by wielding an economic sledgehammer, it refuses to use a small spanner to release latent…


The naked giants

Richard Dobson

MULTI‐NATIONAL BUSINESS has suddenly become a highly fashionable topic. It is a safe subject for any businessmen's seminar; it is a safe target for criticism from almost any…


£100 million job grants likely to stay in regions

Paul Novak

An unusual appetite for eating their own words, a peculiar pastime for politicians, is being displayed by Government ministers. And this healthy predilection for changing course…


Continental lorries to go further ahead

David Haworth

WHAT IS Europe going to do about the juggernaut question—whose problems from the British angle were detailed in January's Industrial Management editorial?


Mike Hammond, roadsweeper

THE AFTERMATH OF INDUSTRIAL RECESSION and a rapidly expanding university population are not the only reasons for the disturbingly high number of graduates joining Britain's dole…



The gloss and trimmings needed for the world's number one status industry finally caught up on the airlines. Arthur Reed, air correspondent of The Times, talks to the chief…


Euro‐centre for freight hangs on UK air merger

BRITAIN'S TWO STATE AIRLINES are almost certain to merge their freight interests, very possibly by 1974. A BOAC‐BEA combine would be the most significant development in the air…


Bureaux back in business after the crashes

Hardened by harsh experience, computer bureaux that have survived the recession of the past couple of years are bracing themselves for better times. The trends are now towards the…


International gas‐man

‘I now realize that the ability to manage a company is not enough by itself when you come up against the complexities you meet when a company's operations cross frontiers.’ So…


Building on bubbles

Talking a lot of hot air about something which has very little substance and has been around for a long time anyway doesn't sound the most promising way to promote a product. But…


Buddy, can you spare a million?

Keith Mayes

David Sarnoff, the RCA chairman who died in December, was an outstanding example of the American creed that, Whittington‐like, a man can rise from immigrant penury to become a…




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

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Emerald Publishing Limited