Industrial Management: Volume 71 Issue 10
Table of contents
Ivan the Naughty
SO 105 RUSSIANS HAVE BEEN SENT HOME. But what for? If the whole truth ever comes out, the affair will be shown as farcical and embarrassingly silly. One thing is certain, whilst…
Sits. vac. soon at super‐ministry
Paul NovakSighs of relief in the Cabinet. Edward Heath has told his Top Team that they are safe from the axe, barring accidents, for at least another year. The Prime Minister, operating…
Capital goods — still on the slide
Roger EglinIf the CBI's industrial trends survey had not shown signs of optimism, Britain would indeed have been on the brink of disaster.
Please adjust your dress before succeeding
Keith MayesIn the fifties, everyone knew what the American businessman looked like. He was crewcut and wore a grey‐flannel suit. At board‐room meetings he invariably addressed his colleagues…
Ian Smith: ‘Our position gets stronger’
In an exclusive interview, the Rhodesian Premier talks to Industrial Management deputy editor Chris Phillips. Hopes for a settlement have never been better and here, with reports…
The long, dry summer when Rhodesia almost cracked
In a second article, after meetings in Rhodesia with industrialists and economists, Chris Phillips talks about the country's years in exile and how the rebel regime almost…
Walker demands European pollution strategy
Britain's environmental overlord Peter Walker—in an exclusive interview with Richard Brooks—insists that pressure groups do not influence him greatly. In this article, following…
The thoughts of Chairman Peter
Former Marxist Peter Parker, now one of Britain's most successful industrialists, believes that society is more important than industry; that industry is only at the service of…
EEC entry forces Anglo‐Polish trade switch
Common Market membership will restrict UK food imports from Poland, which play a vital role in bilateral trade. One solution is for Britain to copy Poland's leading business…
Big technical snags at Albright and Wilson's Newfoundland phosphorus plant, pictured right, added to financial problems that led to the firm borrowing £17 million from the…
The scramble for the quiet life
Executives are taking over country houses, changing the character of rural Britain. With properties extremely limited and costs soaring, the market is likely to dry up in a few…
Bond that cannot be broken
British industry is fast waking up to a new, easy‐to‐use assembly technique which can cut production costs by up to 50%. It can join metals to plastic without the need for screws…
John Davies: from prose to Cons
Who would have thought that John Davies had literary aspirations? Britain's Secretary for Trade and Industry is also, as he tells Richard Brooks, a dab‐hand in the kitchen. His…