British Food Journal: Volume 91 Issue 3
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
The Legal Approach to EEC Dairy Policy
Geoffrey N. HarmsworthThe Common Agricultural Policy governing the dairy sector may onfirst sight give the impression of consisting of a mass of bureaucraticrules creating a system which is the…
Sugar and the Modern Food System
Michael HeasmanThe development of individual and national dietary goals andguidelines has mainly concentrated on modifying fat consumption.However, a reduction in sugar intake has also been an…
Listeriosis – The Unsolved Food Poisoning Disease
Richard W. LaceyFood has only recently been implicated as the major culprit inhuman acquisition of listeriosis. Procedures need to be developed forits control, notably cleanliness, and the…
The Official Inspection of Foodstuffs
Paul AllenAn overview of proposals for an EC Directive on the officialinspection of foodstuffs is presented, an important step towards 1992.
The Quality of Minced Meat on Sale: A Case Study from Somerset
W. Cassidy, J. FryerA survey of the composition of minced meat – fat, protein,gristle – was carried out in Somerset. Its findings are describedand it is concluded that the recommendation of the Food…
Marketing of Ginger in the United Kingdom: An Overview
Andrew O. SatneyA discussion of ginger in the UK market (the largest market forginger in Europe) with some details of its history and geography ispresented.
Mangoes: An Exotic Choice
Miranda JabatiMangoes have shown a large increase in sales in the UK over thepast few years. The reasons for this are given and various problemsassociated with this particular market are…
“What′s Sauce for the Goose?”
Tony WilliamsA comic little saga on the intricacies of food and food labellinglaw is provided.

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris