British Food Journal: Volume 124 Issue 7


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents - Special Issue: Entrepreneurial practices in agri-food industry: Advancing the research agenda

Guest Editors: Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi, Arun Sukumar, Joan Lockyer

A process-based guide for international entrepreneurs while investing in the agrifood sector of an emerging economy: a multi-layer decision-making approach

Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji, Moein Beheshti, Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha, Niloofar Ahmadzadeh Kandi, Hasan Boudlaie

Due to the political, economic and infrastructure barriers and risks that international entrepreneurs (IEs) face when researching an emerging economy's agrifood sector, this…


International collaboration formation in entrepreneurial food industry: evidence of an emerging economy

Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha, Saeed Alaei, Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji, Fatemeh Yaftiyan

International collaboration is a crucial requirement of entrepreneurship, particularly in developing emerging economies. This collaboration seems so necessary in the food industry…


Branding advantage of agri-food companies in competitive export markets: a resource-based theory

Hashem Aghazadeh, Elham Beheshti Jazan Abadi, Farzad Zandi

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the antecedents of export performance and branding advantage, as a key type of competitive advantage in export markets among…


Integrating agriculture and industry 4.0 under “agri-food 4.0” to analyze suitable technologies to overcome agronomical barriers

Charvi Arora, Aditya Kamat, Saket Shanker, Akhilesh Barve

The main intention of this paper is to analyze various factors hindering the growth of the agricultural supply chain and several industry 4.0 technologies to eliminate the same…


Exploring agricultural entrepreneurship and new technologies: academic and practitioners' views

Silvana Secinaro, Francesca Dal Mas, Maurizio Massaro, Davide Calandra

This paper investigates the relationship between agricultural entrepreneurship (AE) and new technologies using academic and practitioners' perspectives to understand how new…


Designing a new mathematical model for optimising a multi-product RFID-based closed-loop food supply chain with a green entrepreneurial orientation

Farshid Jahanshahee Nezhad, Mohammadreza Taghizadeh-Yazdi, Jalil Heidary Dahooie, Ali Zamani Babgohari, Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi

Environmental awareness is increasing among people in developing countries. In this regard, companies should consider ecological goals in addition to financial goals. Since the…


What are the fundamental knowledge-sharing drivers of small family businesses in the restaurant and fast-food industry?

Mojtaba Rezaei, Guido Giovando, Shahrbanou Rezaei, Razieh Sadraei

Despite the undoubted role of knowledge in the small family business (FB) in the restaurant and fast-food industry, there are some main challenges in the knowledge-sharing (KS…


Knowledge management capability, entrepreneurial creativity, entrepreneurial intensity and firm performance: the mediating role of ambidexterity

Nima Garousi Mokhtarzadedeh, Ismail Jafarpanah, Ali Zamani Babgohari

Literature survey shows that it is not clear how knowledge management capability (KMC) and ambidexterity capability affect entrepreneurial creativity (EC) and entrepreneurial…


Green innovation in the Latin American agri-food industry: understanding the influence of family involvement and business practices

Claudio G. Muller, Fernanda Canale, Allan Discua Cruz

Over the past few years, several scholars have focused on green innovation in the agri-food industry. In line with this research stream, the purpose of this paper is to cover some…


Using bibliometric analysis to map innovative business models for vertical farm entrepreneurs

Paolo Pietro Biancone, Valerio Brescia, Federico Lanzalonga, Gazi Mahabubul Alam

This paper aims to explore the literature on vertical farming to define key elements to outline a business model for entrepreneurs. The research aims to stimulate entrepreneurship…


Building a greener dining scene: how do veg-friendly restaurateurs “crop up”?

Carla Riverola, Ozgur Dedehayir, Stephen Harrington, Santiago Velasquez Franco

Of all industries, agri-food has one of the largest environmental impacts. Reducing the production and consumption of meat, dairy and seafood, and moving to predominantly…


Determinants of entrepreneurial alertness: towards sustainable agribusiness development

Nematollah Shiri, Hossein Mehdizadeh, Mojgan Khoshmaram, Hossein Azadi

Entrepreneurship is known to be important to the economy, and many scholars across the globe have researched it from a number of viewpoints. Currently, there is a need for an…


Keep dreaming: how personality traits affects the recognition and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities in the agritourism industry

Simona Leonelli, Lea Iaia, Francesca Masciarelli, Demetris Vrontis

This paper analyses how entrepreneurs recognise and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities following a sustainable approach that respects the equilibrium among environmental…

Open Access.

Organic pioneers and the sustainability transformation of the German food market: a politically structuring actor perspective

Johanna Stöhr, Christian Herzig

This paper examines the socio-ecological co-evolution and transformation of organic pioneers and the organic food market from a politically structuring actor perspective. It aims…

Open Access.

The correlates of energy management practices and sales performance of small family food firms in Turkey

Adah-Kole Emmanuel Onjewu, Elmar Puntaier, Sundas Hussain

While pursuing energy management, firms simultaneously strive to boost sales as a path towards economic performance. Also, the literature suggests that family firms exhibit…


Dynamic performance development of entrepreneurial ecosystem in the agricultural sector

Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh, Marzieh Samadi Foroushani, Razieh Sadraei

The study aims to identify the dynamic complexities and development points of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) in the agricultural sector of Iran to improve production factors'…


Agri-food entrepreneurship. Harvesting, growing and reseeding the orchard through a bibliometric study

Damiano Petrolo, Mohammad Fakhar Manesh, Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini, Giulia Flamini

Scholarly literature on entrepreneurial activities in the agri-food sector has flourished over the years in several different ways. This study uses the metaphor of an orchard to…

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris