British Food Journal: Volume 124 Issue 4


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research
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Table of contents

Latent class analysis and individuals' preferences mapping: the new consumption orientations and perspectives for craft beer in North-West Italy

Stefano Massaglia, Valentina Maria Merlino, Simone Blanc, Aurora Bargetto, Danielle Borra

In Italy, the craft beer (CB) market has undergone a trend of exponential growth in recent years, showing, at the same time, differences among different geographical areas. This…


Exploring the antecedents and consequences of the coffee quality of Starbucks: a case study

Won Seok Lee, Jiwoo Jung, Joonho Moon

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of coffee quality on brand preference and loyalty using Starbucks as a study subject. The determinants of coffee food…


Sustainable Development Goals and healthy foods: perspective from the food system

Antonio Iazzi, Lorenzo Ligorio, Demetris Vrontis, Oronzo Trio

The objective of the paper is to assess food and beverage companies' levels of communication about their activities and sustainability performances, in terms of their compliance…


A moderated mediation study of consumer extrinsic motivation and CSR beliefs towards organic drinking products in an emerging economy

Van Thac Dang, Jianming Wang, Hoang Viet Nguyen, Quang Huy Nguyen, Ninh Nguyen

Previous research has yielded mixed results on the relationship between consumer perception and purchase intention towards organic food products. Although the prior literature has…


Community enterprise consumers’ intention to purchase organic rice in Thailand: the moderating role of product traceability knowledge

Harry Jay Cavite, Panya Mankeb, Suneeporn Suwanmaneepong

Organic rice forms the largest portion of the Thai organic food market. Because of its increasing popularity, marketers need to better understand consumer behaviour to address…


The surveillance and prediction of food contamination using intelligent systems: a bibliometric analysis

Kgomotso Lebelo, Muthoni Masinde, Ntsoaki Malebo, Mokgaotsa Jonas Mochane

This paper aims to report on the bibliometric research trends on the application of machine learning/intelligent systems in the prediction of food contamination and the…


The role of tradition for food and wine producing firms in times of an unprecedented crisis

Alessandro Bressan, Abel Duarte Alonso, Oanh Thi Kim Vu, Lan Thi Ha Do, Wil Martens

The purpose of the present study is twofold. First, the study will investigate the importance of tradition for businesses operating during the COVID-19 crisis, notably, as a…


The effects of consumer consciousness, food safety concern and healthy lifestyle on attitudes toward eating “green”

Booi Chen Tan, Teck Chai Lau, Abdullah Sarwar, Nasreen Khan

The purpose of this study is to propose a research framework to examine the effects of consumer consciousness, food safety concern and healthy lifestyle on the attitudes toward…


Profiling Hungarian hypermarket shoppers

Orsolya Fehér, Attila Gere, Ágnes Csiby, Dorina Szakál, Anna Dunay

Hungarian economy went through substantial changes in the past few decades and hypermarkets gained high popularity among customers, therefore profiling Hungarian hypermarket…


Investigating the healthiness of food products on promotion: market brands and own brands

Emma Beacom, Lynsey Elizabeth Hollywood, Christopher McLaughlin, Sinead Furey, Ruth Price, Una McMahon-Beattie, Amy Burns

The purpose of this study is to investigate the proportionality of market brand (MB) foods versus supermarket own brand (OB) foods sold on promotion and to compare their…


Vacuum oven drying of mussels: mathematical modeling, drying characteristics and kinetics study

Osman İsmail, Özlem Gökçe Kocabay

The aim of this work was to study the effect of the different temperatures on drying kinetics and quality parameters of vacuum oven-dried mediterranean or black mussel (Mytilus


A relational view of horizontal collaboration among micro and small enterprises: a study of the brewery sector in Wales

Maryam Lotfi, Maneesh Kumar, Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues, Mohamed Naim, Irina Harris

This study aims to explore how horizontal collaboration can help small and micro enterprises within the drink sector through the relational theory lens.


Comparison of biopolymer-based edible coatings incorporating Piper nigrum and Schinus terebinthifolia applied on minimally processed pineapple

Camila Ianhes Martins de Araujo, Leticia Bicudo Bonato, Carolina Bragine Mangucci, Geoffroy Roger Pointer Malpass, Mônica Hitomi Okura, Ana Claudia Granato

The purpose of this study was to prepare alginate and chitosan-based edible coatings incorporating Schinus terebinthifolia and Piper nigrum essential oils. The prepared films were…


The role of plastic packaging in transforming food retailing

Rorie Parsons

Whilst plastic packaging has recently been critiqued for its detrimental effects on the environment, it is largely overlooked in histories of food retailing. This paper presents a…


Development of healthier gluten-free chicken products coated with different cereal sources

Müge Uyarcan, Emine Yayla, Deniz Akgül, Damla İşseven

According to the dietary needs of celiac people and very limited variety of commercially available foodstuff, the demand for gluten-free products is increasing every day. Keeping…


Consumers’ attitudes, perceived risks and perceived benefits towards repurchase intention of food truck products

Zeyen Loh, Siti Hasnah Hassan

This study aims to determine the repurchase intention of food truck products based on perceived risks and perceived benefits by consumers within the context of Malaysia. Recently…


Ultrasound irradiation of grapes: effect on the anthocyanin profile of “Isabella” juice

Carine Glaucia Comarella, Taísa Ceratti Treptow, Álisson Santos de Oliveira, Eliseu Rodrigues, Claudia Kaehler Sautter, Vivian Bochi, Neidi Garcia Penna

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ultrasound (US) treatment on the postharvest of “Isabella” grapes and the consistency of the obtained results regarding the…


Factors affecting the diffusion of traceability practices in an imported fresh produce supply chain in China

Ying Yi, Phil Bremer, Damien Mather, Miranda Mirosa

The purpose of this paper is to facilitate the successful adoption of traceability technologies, such as blockchain, into food supply chains and facilitate the understanding of…


Tell me more and make me feel proud: the role of eco-labels and informational cues on consumers' food perceptions

Carmela Donato, Alba D'Aniello

The objective of the present research is to identify the impact of food-related and packaging-related eco-labels on consumers' perceptions of food quality and safety when an…


Smart shopping: the adoption of grocery shopping apps

Lee-Andra Bruwer, Nkosivile Welcome Madinga, Nqobile Bundwini

The purpose of this paper is to determine the key factors influencing the adoption of grocery shopping and to examine the moderating effect of education between antecedents of the…


Organizational determinants as antecedent factors of export marketing strategy archetypes of agri-food firms: a three country analysis

Predrag Radojevic, Slavica Manic, Edward Churlei, Leonidas Hatzithomas, Adam Suluburic

This paper researches export marketing strategy (EMS) archetypes of agri-food exporters and organizational determinants that pose as their antecedent factors, using…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris