British Food Journal: Volume 113 Issue 10


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Organic certification and the market: organic exports from and imports to China

Biao Xie, Li Tingyou, Qian Yi

This paper aims to chart the breadth and acceleration of organic markets domestic and international and discuss the obstacles and possible ways that confront enterprises who…


Cross‐case analysis of producer‐driven marketing channels in Australia

Sherryl Broderick, Vic Wright, Paul Kristiansen

The purpose of the study was to investigate the feasibility of producer‐driven marketing of differentiated meat, in the context of Australian family farms. Producer‐driven…


The relative importance of brand‐packaging, price and taste in affecting brand preferences

José Luis Méndez, Javier Oubiña, Natalia Rubio

This paper aims to analyze the relative importance of brand‐packaging, price and taste in the formation of brand preference for manufacturer and store brands in food product…


An empirical investigation of in‐store sampling promotions

Carrie Heilman, Kyryl Lakishyk, Sonja Radas

This paper aims to investigate the impact of in‐store sample promotions of food products on consumer trial and purchasing behavior. The authors investigate differences in the…


Temperature monitoring in meat supply chains

Verena Raab, Brigitte Petersen, Judith Kreyenschmidt

An optimal temperature monitoring is a prerequisite for cold chain management and thus for the production and supply of high quality and safe products as well as for the reduction…


The red‐headed stepchild of wine? Marketing muscadine wines in the Southern USA

Abel Duarte Alonso

Muscadine (Vitis Rotundifolia Michx.) is a native vine that grows wild and that is also cultivated in the Southern USA. Today, many wineries located in this region produce and…

The wine drinking behaviour of young adults: an exploratory study in China

Jia‐Gui Li, Jin‐Rong Jia, Dennis Taylor, Johan Bruwer, Elton Li

This study aims to explore the nature of Chinese young adults' (CYAs) wine drinking behaviour. It also aims to examine CYAs' wine knowledge and establish whether there are…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris