British Food Journal: Volume 125 Issue 9


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Happy customers means more business – a comparative study of a global food chain in the COVID-19 endemic era

Rajesh Kumar Srivastava

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors influencing the happiness of customers of two global coffee food chains through qualitative research in the post pandemic era…

Is China ready for change? Consumer behaviour towards buying plant-based meat alternatives: applying the COM-B model

Mingyu Jiang, Karim W. Farag

Many consumers express interest in plant-based meat alternatives (PBMA); however, they are reluctant to change their meat consumption behaviour. To support the transition to a…


Using social media to analyze consumers' attitude toward natural food products

Hajar Fatemi, Erica Kao, R. Sandra Schillo, Wanyu Li, Pan Du, Nie Jian-Yun, Laurette Dube

This paper examines user generated social media content bearing on consumers’ attitude and belief systems taking the domain of natural food product as illustrative case. This…

Green product purchase decision: a conceptual model of factors influencing the decision of Indian consumers

Vinayak Mishra, Kushagra Kulshreshtha

Many studies conducted on green consumer behaviour are related to environmental concerns, the motives behind green consumer behaviour and the impact of demographic characteristics…


Perceptions, use and perceived value of nutrition and health claims among Australian consumers: a cross-sectional survey

Jaimee Hughes, Anne McMahon, Lauren Houston, Elizabeth Neale

Nutrition and health claims are used widely on food labels and are known to influence food choice, however research has found that consumer perceptions of such claims are mixed…

Facilitators to improve whole-grain consumption among Malaysian adults: a qualitative study

Ugunesh Danaselvam, Ching Sin Siau, Mohd Nor Ahmar Bin Mohd Sanip, Hui Chin Koo

This study aims to explore the facilitators that could help to improve the consumption of whole grains in the Malaysian adult population.

Exploring the determinants of ice cream purchase intention: a case of emerging economy

Yue Gao, Preeti Tarkar, Waseem Khan, Mohammad Haseeb

This paper aims to examine and discuss the factors affecting consumers' purchase intentions for ice cream in India.

Green food purchasing behaviour: a multi-method approach of Generation Y in a developing country

Costa Synodinos, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Nágela Bianca do Prado

This research aimed to analyse the antecedents of green food purchasing behaviour amongst Generation Y consumers in a developing country. More specifically, the authors…

Beggars can't be choosers: factors influencing intention to purchase organic food in pandemic with the moderating role of perceived barriers

Shafique Ur Rehman, Qingyu Zhang, Jan Kubalek, Manaf Al-Okaily

The authors examined the impact of environmental concerns, knowledge of organic/novel food, food neophobia, food neophilia, health consciousness and social norms on satisfaction…

Household food waste in domestic gatherings – the negotiation between social and moral duties

Alia Aleshaiwi

The paper investigates household food waste at domestic gatherings. It explains how surplus food and food waste are generated, managed and disposed of at gatherings hosted in…

The rise of the food truck phenomenon: an integrated model of consumers' intentions to visit food trucks

Kian Yeik Koay, Chee Wei Cheah, Natarsha Ganesan

In recent times, the market for food trucks has been growing due to customers seeking convenient food options. However, not many studies have been carried out to understand why…

Emotions, perceived knowledge and food behaviors during stressful periods

Hu Xie, Ann Veeck, Hongyan Yu, Hong Zhu

This paper aims to examine how emotions affect consumers' food choices and food preparation activities during stressful periods, using the context of the coronavirus disease 2019…

Valorisation of chicken eggshell as a novel food ingredient in madeleine cake: an exploratory study amongst young adults

Kian Aun Chang, Sheryl Wee Min Low, Yih Herng Chia, Andrey Setyadi, Yun Ping Neo, Lye Yee Chew

The circularity of food waste is gathering considerable pace globally. The present study aimed to explore the awareness, attitude and behaviour of Malaysian young adults towards…

The effects of diningscape on customer satisfaction and word of mouth

Wai Ming To, Vincent W.S. Leung

Restaurant dining is an important part of people's live, and the restaurant industry is one of the largest industries in the hospitality sector. Thus, this study explores the…

Consumer decisions toward halal purchase before and during COVID-19 pandemic: a grey relational analysis approach

Tzong-Ru Lee, Yong-Shun Lin, Erne Suzila Kassim, Stephanie Sebastian

The main objective of this research is to investigate the factors that influence consumer purchase decisions for halal products before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on…

Why millennials of smart city are willing to pay premium for toxic-free food products: social media perspective

Mridul Trivedi, Hemantkumar P. Bulsara, Yupal Shukla

This study aims to investigate the smart city millennials’ willingness to pay a premium (WTP) toward toxic-free food products (TFPs). Specifically, it explores the role of social…

Determinants of Polish young adults' attitudes toward food safety

Eugenia Czernyszewicz

Determine the elements of young adult consumers' attitudes toward food safety using a food safety attitude (FSA) questionnaire and identify the factors influencing them.

Consumers’ perceptions of meat safety and quality – a qualitative content analysis from Afghanistan

Mustafa Nasiri, Birgit Gassler, Ramona Teuber

This study analyses consumers’ perception of meat quality and safety in Afghanistan at the pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest stages.

Are intermediate school meals a real contribution to improve a healthy and sustainable diet?

Rita Melo, João Lima, Ana Lúcia Baltazar, Ezequiel Pinto, Sónia Fialho

The purpose is to analyse the nutritional adequacy and carbon footprint of intermediated meals provided to preschool children and primary-level students in a Portuguese…

Five ways to waste food: food wasting behaviours questionnaire

Michal Misiak, Malgorzata Sobol, Lukasz Sakowski, Marta Kowal, Aleksandra Jurczyk, Lidia Wojtycka

The goal of the present research was to resolve two problems with contemporary methods used to assess consumer food waste: the lack of established categories of food wasting…

Digitalization as a driver of transformation towards sustainable performance in wine tourism – the Italian case

Giuseppe Festa, Maria Teresa Cuomo, Cinzia Genovino, Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Matteo Rossi

The main aim of this research was to investigate whether and how digitalization affects sustainability and performance in wine tourism.


Choice for sustainable meals at staff restaurants: influence of at-home food habits and food triggers

Gervaise Debucquet, Mélanie Dugué, Mireille Cardinal

Collective catering sector is increasingly offering alternative and more sustainable food propositions, but their success rests on their reception by guests and changes induced in…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris