British Food Journal: Volume 124 Issue 3


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Food delivery apps (FDAs) in Asia: an exploratory study across India and the Philippines

Shweta Pandey, Deepak Chawla, Sandeep Puri

This study explores and compares the reasons for or against including situational triggers on the adoption of food delivery apps (FDAs) across lesser-researched Asian countries…


Worldwide research tendencies on probiotics in food science: 1993 to 2021

Çisem Bulut Albayrak, Mustafa Duran

This study aimed to identify the main and emerging structural patterns in the growth of the literature on probiotic research in food science, analyze current trends and determine…

Consumers' willingness to pay for food safety attributes of tomato

Khalid Joya, Nurul Nadia Ramli, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman

Consumers are giving greater attention to the selection of food due to the improvement in income and urbanization. Meanwhile, in recent years, the vegetables' farmers in Malaysia…

Salt iodisation of processed foods in Germany: evidence, processors' perceptions and implications for public health

Katharina Bissinger, Roland Herrmann, Irmgard Jordan

The authors provide primary data on salt iodisation of processed foods in Germany, analyse reasons for food processors' use or non-use of iodisation and derive implications for…

Determinants of customers' intention to use online food delivery application through smartphone in Malaysia

Anwar Allah Pitchay, Yuvaraj Ganesan, Nurul Syifa Zulkifli, Ahmad Khaliq

The study aims to examine factors that influence customers' intention to use online food delivery applications using a smartphone. The factors examined in this study are based on…


Behavioural intention to purchase organic food: Bangladeshi consumers' perspective

Mohammad Rokibul Kabir, Saima Islam

This research aims to assess the consumers' intention to purchase organic foods for balanced physical and mental growth. It examines the decision-making process in buying organic…


New ways of spreading food safety online: the role of food bloggers in risk communication

Alice Brombin, Giulia Mascarello, Anna Pinto, Stefania Crovato, Guido Ricaldi, Mosè Giaretta, Licia Ravarotto

Blogs have become a widespread means for the exchange of information, where topics regarding food and nutrition feature with increasing prominence. In the sphere of online risk…

Value or image? The effects of restaurant–supplier co-creation on consumers' behavioral intentions

Venessa Chan Lyu, José Luis Roldán, Wynne Chin, Vincent Liu, Congdong Li

Highlighting supplier collaboration is a widely adopted practice in tea shops, cafes and other related businesses. However, few studies have examined the effects of…

Minimally processed versus processed and ultra-processed food in individuals at cardiometabolic risk

Talitha Silva Meneguelli, Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Adriana da Silva Leite, Josefina Bressan, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the association between food consumption classified by the degree of processing and cardiometabolic risk factors in a population at risk…

Factors influencing customers' continuance usage intention of food delivery apps during COVID-19 quarantine in Mexico

Karen Ramos

The aim of this study was to find out the factors that influenced customers' continuance usage intention of food delivery apps (FDAs) during COVID-19 quarantine.


Supporting youths to continue further education in emerging nations: food for education intervention or education for food policy?

Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Tajularipin Sulaiman

Food security for students is very important if they are to achieve both quantitative and qualitative success in their education and later career. Consequently, “food for…

Chinese consumer preference for processed food quality attributes and the impact of trust in information sources

Erpeng Wang, Zhifeng Gao, Xuqi Chen

The purpose of this paper is to determine important attributes of processed food, consumers’ trust in different information resources, and the impact of trust, demographic and…

The relationship of health-related expectancies, fruit and vegetable intake, and positive mood: expectancies are important, but not in the way you expect

Elliot Smith, Richard Stevenson, Leah Dudley, Heather Francis

Greater fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake has been linked to more positive mood. Here, the purpose of this paper is to examine if this relationship is mediated by expectancies…

Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process

Zhiqiang Geng, Lingling Liang, Yongming Han, Guangcan Tao, Chong Chu

Food safety risk brought by environmental pollution seriously threatens human health and affects national economic and social development. In particular, heavy metal pollution and…

Drivers, barriers and performance outcomes of sustainable packaging: a systematic literature review

Karima Afif, Claudia Rebolledo, Jacques Roy

This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the cross-disciplinary literature on the drivers, barriers and performance outcomes of sustainable packaging to understand the…


Start-ups' innovation processes and performance in the food industry: a stochastic frontier analysis

Diego Matricano, Elena Candelo, Mario Sorrentino

The food industry has always been supplier dominated, characterised by low research intensity, product line extensions and me-too products. However, recent changes have led new…

Gender-based implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on household diet diversity and nutritional security in Pakistan

Pomi Shahbaz, Shamsheer ul Haq, Umer Bin Khalid, Ismet Boz

The COVID-19 pandemic has profound implications on the food and nutritional security of millions of households. The study assessed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on diet…

Comparative analysis of online fresh food shopping behavior during normal and COVID-19 crisis periods

Miaojia Lu, Ran Wang, Peiyang Li

Online fresh food shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Online fresh food shopping provides consumers with an…


Does brand credibility matter? The case of organic food products

Chandra Sekhar, Swati Krishna, Ghadeer G. Kayal, Nripendra P. Rana

This study's main objective is to investigate the influence of brand credibility on the intention to purchase organic food. In addition, this research studies the moderating role…


A cross-sectional study on food safety knowledge amongst domestic workers in the UAE

Tareq Osaili, Reyad Shaker Obaid, Sadi Taha, Sofia Kayyaal, Rima Ali, Manal Osama, Refaa Alajmi, Anas A. Al-Nabulsi, Amin Olaimat, Fayeza Hasan, Mutamed Ayyash

The aims of this study were to assess the food safety knowledge amongst domestic workers in the UAE and test the association between their socio-demographic characteristics and…

Food waste: an exploratory investigation of causes, practices and consequences perceived by Brazilian supermarkets and restaurants

Eluiza Alberto de Morais Watanabe, Caroline Rodrigues do Nascimento, Michele Gasparoto Moreira Teixeira de Freitas, Mayra Monteiro Viana

Sustainable food consumption is crucial to protect the environment and to promote a better quality of life. Our study analyses and compares the causes, perceived consequences of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris