British Food Journal: Volume 123 Issue 5


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The health-taste trade-off in consumer decision making for functional snacks: An experimental approach

Georgia S. Papoutsi, Stathis Klonaris, Andreas Drichoutis

The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to evaluate the claim that consumers are willing to compromise on taste in order to obtain the potential health benefits from…

The development of short food supply chain for locally produced honey: Understanding consumers’ opinions and willingness to pay in Argentina

Zein Kallas, Martin Federico Alba, Karina Casellas, Miriam Berges, Gustavo Degreef, José M. Gil

The development of the short food supply chain (SFSC) is one of the issues of the current agri-food systems. Consumers are re-connecting the food they eat with the farming process…

Development of the destination food image scale (DFIS) and examination of measurement invariance by gender

Hakan Görür, Cem Oktay Güzeller

The main purpose of this study is to create a reliable and valid scale to assess the destination food image perceived by the tourists regarding the food in Turkey within the…

Casual snacking as an automatic process: a grounded cognition framework

Thorsten Teichert, Philipp Wörfel, Claire-Lise Ackermann

Snacking typically occurs as an automatic, consciously uncontrolled process which can lead to unintended health consequences. Grounded cognition informs about the multifaceted…

How effective are national quality strategies for business – empirical evidence from Switzerland

Stefan Mann

Over the last decades, Swiss core actors in the administration, the parliament and the food chain, have developed a national quality strategy for the agri-food sector. The…

Development of thiamine-rich snacks from brown rice using extrusion technology

Tashooq Bhat, Syed Zameer Hussain, Bazila Naseer, Abdul Hameed Rather, Shakeel Ahmad Mir

Snack industry is one of the fastest growing food sectors globally, and people are nowadays conscious about intake of healthy snacks on regular basis. There is enormous variety of…

What motivates consumers to purchase organic food in an emerging market? An empirical study from Saudi Arabia

Abdul Alem Mohammed

This study aims to investigate the impact of perceived values (hedonic and utilitarian), trust and subjective norms on consumers' purchasing intentions of organic food in Saudi…


Investigating consumer alienation toward broiler leading to food insecurity

Rana Muhammad Ayyub, Saira Naeem, Shehzad Ahmed, Chanaka Jayawardhena

The main purpose of this paper is to study the changing consumer behavior toward broiler meat and apprise its consequences toward food insecurity.

Urban household food waste: drivers and practices in Toronto, Canada

Belinda Li, Virginia Maclaren, Tammara Soma

The purpose of this paper is to understand determinants of food waste through analysing patterns of practices including shopping, planning, consumption of leftovers and attitudes…


Quality of gluten-free cookies made with rice flour of different levels of amylose and cowpea beans

Estefania Julia Dierings de Souza, Aline Machado Pereira, Mauro Fontana, Nathan Levien Vanier, Marcia Arocha Gularte

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of rice flour obtained from rice grains with different levels of amylose on technological, nutritional and sensory…

Food purchasing behaviour at automatic vending machines: the role of planograms and shopping time

Luca Marinelli, Fabio Fiano, Gian Luca Gregori, Lucia Michela Daniele

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the food and beverage automatic retail environment by analysing the impact of planograms, conceived as a visual merchandising practice…


Understanding Chinese consumers' safety perceptions of dairy products: a qualitative study

Shalamujiang Maitiniyazi, Maurizio Canavari

Dairy products are an essential part of a healthy diet, and dairy is an emerging food industry in China. Meanwhile, the dairy industry is one of the “disaster zones” with quality…


Consumers' environmental responsibility and their purchase of local food: evidence from a large-scale survey

Francesco Bimbo, Carlo Russo, Antonella Di Fonzo, Gianluca Nardone

The paper explores whether consumers' environmentally sustainable attitudes and behaviors (e.g. saving water, energy, etc.) are associated with high frequency of local food…

Antecedents and consequences of brand ownership: moderating roles of social value orientation and consumer perceived ethicality in Taiwan's food industry

Wang-Sheng Chen, Kuen-Hung Tsai

This study empirically tests a brand ownership framework based on psychological ownership theory. It examines the role of participative brand development in developing brand…

Prioritising water disinfection technologies to improve food safety of leafy vegetables

E.D. van Asselt, J.L. Banach, M. Klüche, W.A.J. Appelman

Leafy vegetables may get contaminated with pathogens through the use of irrigation water during open field cultivation. The main control option to prevent this contamination is…

Specialty coffee in Brazil: transition among consumers' constructs using structural equation modeling

Patricia Mendes dos Santos, Marcelo Ângelo Cirillo, Elisa Reis Guimarães

Building on Guimarães et al. (2019) study and using the modeling of structural equations, the objective of this paper was to elaborate constructs whose variables would enable the…

Does coffee taste better with latte art? A neuroscientific perspective

Liwei Hsu, Yen-Jung Chen

Visual stimulation affects the taste of food and beverages. This study aimed to understand how latte art affects coffee consumption by collecting participants' brainwave data and…

Assessing consumer attitudes and perceptions towards food authenticity

Charoula Chousou, Konstadinos Mattas

The purpose of this paper is to identify and assess the factors that consumers evaluate significant in the assessment of food authenticity and guide them to make safe food choices.


A study on consumption of composite flour and bread in global perspective

Sait Engindeniz, Zhansaya Bolatova

The purpose of this paper is to determine composite flour and bread consumption, and to analyse economic efficiency by comparing Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Food and beverages industry competitiveness in economic turbulence: Agricultural policy viewpoints

Christos Konstantinidis, Dimitrios Natos, Konstadinos Mattas

In the midst of the Greek economic and financial crisis, food and beverage firms constitute one of the most dynamic parts of the Greek economy proved resilient in conditions of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris