British Food Journal: Volume 122 Issue 5


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents - Special Issue: Redesigning firms' and stakeholders' value in the food and beverage industry: initiatives beyond sustainability

Guest Editors: Demetris Vrontis, Gabriele Santoro, Chiara Civera

A sustainable value generator in the Italian wine industry: Casa E. di Mirafiore e Fontanafredda winery

Melchior Gromis di Trana, Fabrizio Bava, Pietro Pisoni

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the economic impact of a shift toward a more sustainable model in the wine industry. In particular it aims to identify the business…

Can digital solutions help in the minimization of out-of-home waste? An analysis from the client and business perspective

Luca Secondi, Ludovica Principato, Giovanni Mattia

Halving food waste has been included within the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Food wasted out-of-home is the second source of food waste. However, the majority of the…


Street food traders, farmers and sustainable practice to reduce food waste in the Italian context

Simona Alfiero, Michael Christofi, Alessandro Bonadonna

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how food waste management can affect both retail and distribution operators’ efficiency performance and their ability to create value…

From transactions to cooperation: Developing supply chain of ancient grains between relationships and joint interests

Cecilia Casalegno, Matteo Migheli, Angelo Bonfanti, Peter Maple

The purpose of this paper is to add understanding to whether the supply chain (SC) of ancient grains, einkorn in particular, may activate the virtuous mechanisms that enable…

Does strategic orientation influence strategy formulation and organisational design in Italian food medium sized enterprises? The role of the family

Lara Penco, Teresina Torre, Roberta Scarsi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of strategic orientation (defined using the Miles and Snow’s paradigm) on the processes of strategic decision-making and…

Towards a conceptual framework for sustainable business models in the food and beverage industry: The case of German wineries

Marc Dressler, Ivan Paunović

The purpose of this paper is to empirically derive a typology of sustainable business models in the food & beverage (F&B) industry and explore the competitive profiling via…


Uncovering the impact of food sharing platform business models: a theory of change approach

Laura Michelini, Cecilia Grieco, Francesca Ciulli, Alessio Di Leo

The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential impact of food sharing platform business models and to identify the limits and barriers in measuring the impact. Using the…


Integrated business model for sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises in the food industry: Creating value added through ecodesign

Silviya Atanasova Topleva, Tsvetko Velchev Prokopov

The ecological footprint of the food industry and the requirements of the bio-based economy result in the need for deepening the concept of corporate sustainability. CSR provokes…


Factors affecting purchase intention of foreign food products: An empirical study in the Iranian context

Maryam Zarif Sagheb, Behzad Ghasemi, Seyed Kamran Nourbakhsh

The purpose of this paper is to present the factors affecting purchase intention of foreign food products in the Iranian context.


Sustainable open innovation to address a grand challenge : Lessons from Carlsberg and the Green Fiber Bottle

Marcel Bogers, Henry Chesbrough, Robert Strand

This paper describes the case of how the Danish beer manufacturer, Carlsberg, developed the Green Fiber Bottle as part of its sustainability program through an open innovation…


Economic sustainability of wine tourism services and direct sales performance – emergent profiles from Italy

Sławomir Smyczek, Giuseppe Festa, Matteo Rossi, Filippo Monge

Direct sales at the winery constitute one of the most used indicators for evaluating the success of a wine tourism experience. In this respect, service performance at the winery…

Social networks feed the food supplements shadow market

Fabiola Sfodera, Alberto Mattiacci, Costanza Nosi, Isabella Mingo

The paper investigates the role of social networks in the millennials’ decision-making process of illegal and unnotified food supplements purchase. The connections and…


Determinants of customers' choice of dining-related services: the case of Taipei City

Ching-Chan Cheng, Hung-Che Wu, Ming-Chun Tsai, Yu-Yuan Chang, Cheng-Ta Chen

This study aims to extract determinants of customers' choice of dining-related services (CDS) to understand their attitudes and habits for dining-related services. Moreover, it…

Sustainable business model in food and beverage industry – a case of Western and Central and Eastern European countries

Zhanna Belyaeva, Edyta Dorota Rudawska, Yana Lopatkova

The presented study pinpoints transformation of business models of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the food and beverage sector depending on their sustainability strategy…


The sustainability in alcohol consumption: the “drink responsibly” frontier

Biasino Farace, Andrea Apicella, Angela Tarabella

The excessive consumption of alcohol in numerous countries in the world, combined with the progressively younger age of the consumers, made it necessary for companies to use…


Leveraging the triple helix model to upgrade the medical and aromatic plants value chain

Suhail Sultan

The purpose of this research paper is to explore innovation activity between the three institutional spheres of government, universities and industry in the Palestinian MAPs…

Environmental practices in the wine industry: an overview of the Italian market

Romeo Bandinelli, Diletta Acuti, Virginia Fani, Bianca Bindi, Gaetano Aiello

The present research expands the debate on environmental sustainability in the wine industry. Since the literature on sustainability and wine is relatively recent, current results…


Digital platforms: mapping the territory of new technologies to fight food waste

Massimo Cane, Carmen Parra

The reduction of food waste is still a pending issue that governments have still not resolved. In response to this problem mobile platforms are emerging that follow food ecology…


Stakeholders' involvement in establishing sustainable business models: The case of Polish dairy cooperatives

Mariantonietta Fiore, Antonino Galati, Jarosław Gołębiewski, Nina Drejerska

Cooperatives play a dominant role in the European dairy sector. The aim of the study is to define a sustainable business model of dairy cooperatives and explore how stakeholders…


Asymmetric forks: dilemmas, paradoxes and moral imagination in food sustainability

Damiano Cortese, Alex Murdock

The paper suggests moral imagination as an approach to picture sustainable scenarios in the food industry, which are based on knowledge sharing among stakeholders and knowledge…

Public goods production and value creation in wineries: a structural equation modelling

Giuseppe Marotta, Concetta Nazzaro

The aim of the study is to analyse the value creation processes in multifunctional wineries. Specifically, the paper poses the following research questions: can the creation of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris