British Food Journal: Volume 120 Issue 1


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Expanding the theory of planned behaviour to predict Chinese Muslims halal meat purchase intention

Adnan Ali, Afzaal Ali, Guo Xiaoling, Mehkar Sherwani, Sikander Hussain

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of halal meat consumption within the population of Chinese Muslims in China using the theory of planned behaviour…


Consumers’ wine preferences in a changing scenario

Cristina Escobar, Zein Kallas, José M. Gil

Important socioeconomic changes have been undergone due to the international economic crisis. In Catalonia (Spain), political changes towards independentism also occurred within…

Influence of consumer regiocentrism on perceived value of wine

Sandra Pestar Bizjak, Hristo Hristov, Tatjana Košmerl, Ales Kuhar

The purpose of this paper is to identify which dimensions of perceived value of wine dominate in the perception of wine consumers from two distinctive wine producing regions and…

Hybrid modelling of the consumption of organic foods in Iran using exploratory factor analysis and an artificial neural network

Yaser Sobhanifard

The purpose of this paper is to explore a hybrid model of the consumption of organic foods, combining the use of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and an artificial neural network…

Grey-based scorecard model for opting fruit supply bazaar locality under advanced chain of macro-micro parameter

Anoop Kumar Sahu, Nitin Kumar Sahu, Atul Kumar Sahu, Harendra Kumar Narang, Mridul Singh Rajput

In the presented research, the authors have conducted the literature review and organised real interviews of fruit retailers (FRs) to construct the advanced hierarchical…

Competitiveness of Greek virgin olive oil in the main destination markets

Stathis Klonaris, Andromachi Agiangkatzoglou

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the competitiveness of the Greek virgin olive oil in the main destination markets (German, Italian, UK and US market).

Investment behavior of Canada egg producers: Analyzing the impacts of change in risk aversion and in the variability of eggs prices and production costs

Lota D. Tamini, Maurice Doyon, Micheline M. Zan

The purpose of this paper is to document the level of risk in the Québec egg sector (conventional and specialty eggs) and analyze the optimal choices of Québec egg producers that…

Dynamic technical inefficiency and industrial concentration in the Indonesian food and beverages industry

Maman Setiawan, Alfons G.J.M. Oude Lansink

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation between industrial concentration and technical inefficiency in the Indonesian food and beverages industry using a dynamic…

Asymmetric price transmission in the Chinese pork and pig market

Xiaoxia Dong, Colin Brown, Scott Waldron, Jing Zhang

The purpose of this paper is to analyze price transmission in the Chinese pork market between 1994 and 2016 and examine any incidence and causes of asymmetric price transmission.

Framing the local food experience: a case study of a Finnish pop-up restaurant

Inari Aaltojärvi, Maija Kontukoski, Anu Hopia

The purpose of this paper is to analyse how Finnish customers at the pop-up restaurant event Trip to Province, which took place in South Ostrobothnia, Finland, make sense of the…


Local food in China: a viable destination attraction

Qian Chen, Rong Huang

The subject of food has been well researched by academics, and is often employed by tourism destination practitioners. However, a review of relevant literature indicates that…


Do tourists’ gastronomic experiences differ within the same geographical region? A comparative study of two Mediterranean destinations: Turkey and Spain

Gurkan Akdag, Ozan Guler, Ali Dalgic, Sercan Benli, A. Celil Cakici

The purpose of this paper is to discover the common and differentiating food factors that affect tourists’ gastronomy satisfaction by comparing tourists’ gastronomic experiences…


A brief history of food retail

John L. Stanton

The purpose of this paper is to provide a historic perspective on the supermarket industry that has changed from the small Mom and Pop stores to major supermarket chains.


Analysis of food bank implementation as formal care assistance in Korea

Tomio Kobayashi, Jagath Kularatne, Yutaka Taneichi, Nobuhide Aihara

In contrast with countries where food banks (FBs) have developed as informal care, FBs in Korea developed under government patronage as a formal care system. However, the…

The role of Indian school canteens in nutrition promotion

Neha Rathi, Lynn Riddell, Anthony Worsley

A school canteen can serve as an important setting for nutrition and health promotion. The purpose of this paper is to describe secondary school students’ perceptions of Indian…

Development and quality evaluation of health-promoting functional carabeef cookies

Meena Goswami, B.D. Sharma, S.K. Mendiratta, U.B. Chaudhary, Vikas Pathak, Nitin Tyagi

The purpose of this paper is to develop and to assess quality characteristics of functional carabeef cookies.

Changes in the shelf life of frozen pork patties containing 10 and 15 percent fat according to different storage temperatures

Hyeoung-Su Lee, Dong-Ho Bae

The purpose of this paper is to determine the influences of fat content and storage temperature on the quality of frozen pork patties during storage to evaluate the shelf life set…

Comparative appraisal of Kreis methods for the assessment of incipient rancidity in ghee

Keyur D. Vaghela, Bhavesh N. Chaudhary, Bhavbhuti Manojbhai Mehta, V.B. Darji, K.D. Aparnathi

There are various Kreis tests reported in the literature with wide variations in the procedure. The purpose of this paper is to select the most suitable and reliable method for…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris