British Food Journal: Volume 118 Issue 1


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

British Food Journal: gaining global ground

Kerry Chipp, Raeesah Chohan, Caitlin Ferreira, Astrid Ringas

– The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the impact of editorial policy towards being both inclusive and international on the quantitative metrics of the journal.


The level of food safety knowledge among meat handlers

Nada Smigic, Dragan Antic, Bojan Blagojevic, Igor Tomasevic, Ilija Djekic

The purpose of this paper was to evaluate food safety knowledge of among meat handlers in Serbian meat establishments along the meat chain, i.e. in slaughterhouses, meat…


Nutritional supplement-usage associated characteristics of high-performing athletes

Mónica Sousa, Maria João Fernandes, José Soares, Pedro Moreira, Vítor Hugo Teixeira

The purpose of this paper is to analyse differences in sociodemographic and sporting characteristics, health-behaviours, and food intake of athletes using and not using…


The significance of culinary cultures to diet

Andy Gatley

The purpose of this paper is to explore the routine, everyday experiences and attitudes people bring to cooking and eating and aims to compare the significance of such culinary…


Quantifying the degree of leanness and agility at any point within a supply chain

C. N. Bezuidenhout

Not many researchers have attempted to numerically quantify a supply chain’s degree of leanness or agility. Although focusing predominantly on food, the purpose of this paper is…


The existence of buyer power in the Italian fresh milk supply chain

Fabio A. Madau, Roberto Furesi, Pietro Pulina

Buyer power can be defined as the ability to obtain trade terms more favourable than a supplier’s normal trade terms. The purpose of this paper is to estimate existence of buyer…

A review on visual criteria of pure milk packaging for parents and their children (case study: Tehran, Iran)

Mohsen Rasouli Valajoozi, Nosrat Ollah Zangi

The purpose of this paper is to compare and find the significance of aesthetic standards related to the packaging design of pure milk among two groups of parents and children in…

The effect of age, gender and level of education on the consumer’s expectations towards dairy product packaging

Agnieszka Izabela Baruk, Anna Iwanicka

The purpose of this paper is to have two main research goals: to identify and analyse the elements of dairy product packaging which influence customer purchase decisions…


Food souvenirs: buying behaviour of tourists in Norway

Themistoklis Altintzoglou, Morten Heide, Trude Borch

Food is an important element of a holiday. An in depth understanding of factors that influence tourists’ perception of food is central in increased tourist satisfaction and…


Quality attributes of a high specification product: Evidences from the speciality coffee business

Jose Marcio Carvalho, Ely Laureano Paiva, Luciana Marques Vieira

High-specification food products that reach prices or expert reviews above average, results from buyer-supplier engagement in quality management. The purpose of this paper is to…


Culture, health, gender and coffee drinking: a Costa Rican perspective

Juan Aguirre

– The purpose of this paper is to identify the effect of culture, gender and perceived health benefits on coffee drinking in Costa Rica.


Organic food consumer profile in the Republic of Serbia

Aleksandar Grubor, Nenad Djokic

Having the discrepancies between different descriptions of an organic food consumer profile in various researches worldwide as well as the causes of their emergence as a starting…


Predicting intentions to purchase organic food: the moderating effects of organic food prices

Rong-Da Liang

Organic food represents the fastest growing sector in the food market, with outstanding performance in both production and sales. However, existing studies on organic food have…


An analysis of purchase intentions toward organic food on health consciousness and food safety with/under structural equation modeling

Shu-Yen Hsu, Chiao-Chen Chang, Tyrone T. Lin

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influences of natural content, food safety concern, health consciousness, and subjective knowledge on attitudes towards organic…


Food safety and Chinese geographical indications

Xing Zhao, Moya Kneafsey, Donald Finlay

– The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the ability of the Chinese geographical indications (GI) system to offer extra guarantees on food safety.


Chinese consumers’ behavior and preference to table grapes: Based on a comparative study of 2009 and 2014

Mu Weisong, Li Chengcheng, Tian Dong, Feng Jianying

The purpose of this paper is to analyze and identify Chinese consumers’ behavior and preference characters toward table grapes, especially to explore the variance of consumption…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris