British Food Journal: Volume 114 Issue 3


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Pork quality and the role of marketing contracts: a case study of the US pork industry

Steve W. Martinez

This paper aims to provide an assessment of the growth in marketing contracts in the US pork industry as an efficient means to control pork quality and reduce transaction costs.

Consumer knowledge, consumption, and willingness to pay for organic tomatoes

Francisco J. Mesías Díaz, Federico Martínez‐Carrasco Pleite, Jose Miguel Martínez Paz, Paula Gaspar García

The purpose of this study is to analyze the levels of knowledge and consumption of organic tomatoes in Spain, and their influence in consumer willingness to pay for this type of…


The mandatory EU logo for organic food: consumer perceptions

Meike Janssen, Ulrich Hamm

In July 2010, a mandatory European Union (EU) logo for organic food was introduced to strengthen the organic sector by making the identification of organic products easier for…


Food for thought: “four Ss with one F”: Security, safety, sovereignty, and shareability of food

Erkan Rehber

This review aims to reexamine the main issues of the food problem under a new concept coined as “Four Ss with one F”. It aims to provide a stimulus for thinking food problems…


A review of Chinese food safety strategies implemented after several food safety incidents involving export of Chinese aquatic products

Huanan Liu, William A. Kerr, Jill E. Hobbs

The rapid transition from a command to market‐based economy in China has required the development of a food safety system for aquatic products where one did not previously exist…


Consumer preferences regarding food‐related risk‐benefit messages

Heleen van Dijk, Ellen van Kleef, Helen Owen, Lynn J. Frewer

The aim of this study is to identify and explore consumer preferences and information needs regarding the simultaneous communication of risks and benefits associated with food…


Consumption of muscadine grape by‐products: an exploration among Southern US consumers

Abel Duarte Alonso, Martin A. O'Neill

Consumption of muscadine grapes and their by‐products (e.g. skins, seeds, wine and juice) is often discussed in terms of their alleged health‐ related properties (e.g. high…


Tea, coffee and associated lifestyle factors

Paul Hewlett, Emma Wadsworth

The aim of this paper is to determine lifestyle factors associated with different drink choices as past research has suggested some differences.


Estimating the hedonic price for Fair Trade coffee in Sweden

Linda Schollenberg

This study aims to investigate the impact of the Fair Trade label on the market for coffee in Sweden, a country with high public awareness regarding environmental and social…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris