British Food Journal: Volume 113 Issue 7


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Where innovation processes make a difference in products' short‐ and long‐term market success

Christien M. Enzing, Maarten H. Batterink, Felix H.A. Janszen, S.W.F. (Onno) Omta

This paper seeks to investigate with reference to which factors the innovation processes of new and improved products differ and how these factors relate to the products' success…


Price or relational behaviours?: Supplier relationship management in the German dairy industry

Amos Gyau, Achim Spiller, Christian Wocken

The aim of this paper is to determine the relative importance of actual price and behavioural factors for the quality of the business relationship between German dairies and their…


Consumers' experience of spelt porridge and sea buckthorn juice: The roles of product claims and need for cognition

Rami Paasovaara, Harri T. Luomala

This paper aims to investigate how differences in message content and in need for cognition influence consumers' sensory evaluation, product attitudes and purchase intentions in…

Networks and organisational learning: evidence from broiler production

Gaetano Martino, Paolo Polinori

The aim of this study is to the test the hypothesis that a network involved in the division of labour can contribute to individual skills creation.

Local food: understanding consumer motivations in innovative retail formats

David Pearson, Joanna Henryks, Alex Trott, Philip Jones, Gavin Parker, David Dumaresq, Rob Dyball

This paper sets out to profile the activities and consumers of a unique and successful local food retail outlet in the UK that is based on weekly community markets.


Consumers' and producers' expectations towards geographical indications: Empirical evidence for a German case study

Ramona Teuber

This paper's objective is to investigate consumers' and producers' expectations towards geographical indications (GIs) in a German context, where this certification scheme has not…


Food miles: time for a re‐think?

David Coley, Mark Howard, Michael Winter

The purpose of this paper is to test the efficacy of the concept of food miles that has proved so popular with the public as a means of assessing the sustainability of produce.


Shopping for tomorrow: promoting sustainable consumption within food stores

Peter Jones, David Hillier, Daphne Comfort

The purpose of this paper is to offer an exploratory case study of how the UK's top ten food retailers are communicating sustainable consumption agendas to their customers within…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris