British Food Journal: Volume 112 Issue 9


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Factors influencing intentions to take precautions to avoid consuming food containing dairy products: Expanding the theory of planned behaviour

Hung‐Yi Lu, Hsin‐Ya Hou, Tzong‐Horng Dzwo, Yi‐Chen Wu, James E. Andrews, Shao‐Ting Weng, Mei‐Chun Lin, Jun‐Ying Lu

The melamine milk scandal caused a crisis of confidence in food containing dairy products. The purpose of this paper is to explore the determinants of precautionary behaviour to…


Consumer evaluations of food risk management in Russia

Ksenia Popova, Lynne J. Frewer, Janneke De Jonge, Arnout Fischer, Ellen Van Kleef

Consumer perceptions regarding what constitutes best food risk management (FRM) practice may vary as a consequence of cross‐cultural differences in consumer perceptions, cultural…


Stakeholder and consumer views regarding novel hypoallergenic foods

Margreet van Putten, Lynn Frewer, Luud Gilissen, Gremmen Bart, Aad Peijnenburg, Harry Wichers

The development and introduction of novel hypoallergenic foods represents a potential approach to reducing the negative health impacts of food allergy. The purpose of this paper…


Marketing concentration and geographical dispersion: A survey of organic farms in England and Wales

Brian Ilbery, Paul Courtney, James Kirwan, Damian Maye

The purpose of this paper is to examine the proportion and distribution of organic produce sold through different marketing channels by a sample of organic farmers in three “core”…


Benefits of traceability in fish supply chains – case studies

Nga Mai, Sigurdur Gretar Bogason, Sigurjon Arason, Sveinn Víkingur Árnason, Thórólfur Geir Matthíasson

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the seafood industry perceives benefits of traceability implementation. Furthermore, ex ante cost‐benefit analyses (CBAs) of…


Consumer food safety education for the domestic environment: a systematic review

Alyssa Milton, Barbara Mullan

Despite the recognised importance of food safety, a large number of consumers do not practice adequate food safety in the home. Many studies have recommended that education is a…


The predictive value of a small consumer panel for coffee‐cupper judgment

Randall Arce Alvarado, Anita R. Linnemann

The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether consumers can discriminate coffees in the same way as a professional coffee judge, a cupper, to assess the relevance of cuppers'…


Attributes and benefits of branded bread: case Artesaani

Irma Tikkanen, Mari Vääriskoski

The purpose of this paper is to describe the attributes and benefits of branded bread as perceived by the consumers.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris