British Food Journal: Volume 105 Issue 6


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Trust as a valuable strategic variable in the food industry: Different types of trust and their implementation

Adam Lindgreen

Although it is often suggested that trust is an important construct in relationship marketing, there is only little empirical evidence of how, if at all, trust may be used as a…


The impact of food safety and animal welfare policies on supply chain management: The case of the Tesco meat supply chain

Adam Lindgreen, Martin Hingley

The European food sector has been hit by a number of serious consumer scares over the past decades. Often, the concerned companies have failed to give appropriate and immediate…


Current issues in marketing organic milk in the UK

Jeremy Franks

The recent background to the UK market for organic milk is reviewed to establish the background to the Organic Dairy Production: A Sustainable Future for Organic Dairying…


Market requirements for lamb

Huw E. Jones, R.M. Lewis, Chris C. Warkup

A questionnaire‐based survey was conducted to establish the current market requirements for lamb and those likely in the future. Two questionnaires were produced and sent to the…

The media and the market: the case of CJD

Clare Dawson, Howard Lyons

Using the example of CJD in the UK, this article shows that the intensity of press coverage of this public health story is unrelated to actual deaths. Yet press coverage seems to…


The pot snack market – are today’s consumers demanding health as well as convenience?

Fiona McCullough, Sian Jones, Daniella Vignali

Identifying the target audience for hot pot snacks and which factors influence their buyer behaviour is vital information for product developers and manufacturers. The reported…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris