British Food Journal: Volume 105 Issue 4/5


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

In pursuit of an identity – fashion marketing and the development of eating disorders

Fatima S. Parekh, Ruth A. Schmidt

Set against a background of rapid growth in the dieting industry and increasing trends towards eating disorders (EDs) in Western societies, this study examines the impact of…


Nutritional evaluation of goat’s milk

Fiona S.W. McCullough

On a world‐wide basis more people drink goat’s milk than any other type. Cow’s milk products are increasingly excluded from the diet for personal and/or health reasons. Milk is…


The changing nature of the British pub

John Douglas Pratten

For much of the twentieth century, British breweries made profits from producing beer and selling it to the public houses, and then, because they owned the public houses as well…


Croatian food industry – brand equity in selected product categories

Edo Rajh, Tihomir Vranesevic, Davor Tolic

The purpose of the paper is to determine the level of brand equity in the food industry in the Republic of Croatia, so according to this aim, research on five product categories…


Beds, insurance and coffee – a complete retail experience from Tesco online

Jennifer Eileen Rowley

Tesco online ( has developed a sophisticated and extended shopping experience which sets new standards for retailing. This article presents a brief case study of the…


Food allergies: a problem for the catering industry

John Douglas Pratten, Neil Towers

Some food allergies are described briefly. The proprietors/managers of a variety of establishments serving food in a small town and its surrounding area were interviewed to…


The naked truth of celebrity endorsement

Angela Byrne, Maureen Whitehead, Steven Breen

This case study examines the use of celebrity endorsement in the formation of the retail image of leading European grocery distribution group J. Sainsbury, in particular, the…


Return to traditional values? A case study of Slow Food

Peter Jones, Peter Shears, David Hillier, Daphne Comfort, Jonathan Lowell

The increasingly vociferous criticism of the fast food industry is being paralleled by a growing interest in Slow Food. This case study outlines the origins of the Slow Food…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris