British Food Journal: Volume 105 Issue 1/2


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The challenge of exporting fresh food from the Chatham Islands to markets overseas

Leo Paul Dana

The eastern‐most lands of New Zealand are the Chatham Islands. Farming and fishing form the backbone of the local economy. These islands have great potential, in terms of food…


A cross‐cultural content analysis of restaurant ads in New Zealand

Adel Sichun Wang

Unlike many other cross‐cultural advertising comparisons, this study compares two different cultures within the same country, and the topic of the content analysis is narrowed…


Consumer acceptance of genetically modified foods in New Zealand

David R. Fortin, Michelle S. Renton

The introduction of genetically modified foods (GMF) in consumer markets worldwide is currently a hot topic for debate. Media hype and the strong position against GMF by activist…


Genetic engineering and perceived levels of risk

Joanne Scully

In recent years, concern about the negative environmental effects of technologies, and in particular the use of genetic engineering in food production, has become a major topic in…


Changes in the New Zealand apple industry

Kyle Fitzgerald

Change of various forms has been a major issue for every industry but perhaps none more so than the New Zealand apple industry over the past decade. Growers have seen major…


New Zealand farmers and the Internet

Helen Barton

This article describes the experiences, perceptions and attitudes of farmers in Canterbury, New Zealand, towards the use of the Internet for farming purposes. It also illustrates…


What New Zealand dairy farmers desire from the Government

Shane Adcock

Discusses the recent trend in the dairy industry towards conglomeration, focusing on the implications for the New Zealand dairy export industry. Describes how a proposed merger of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris