Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 9 Issue 4
An International JournalTable of contents
The Problems of Speed Measurement: The Difficulty of Arriving at Accurate Knowledge
MOST readers of AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, and all who have at any time been associated with performance tests, will know that the arrival at a decision as to what is the real maximum…
The Measurement of Speeds: Errors Inherent in the Standard Installation and Methods for Determining True Air Speed Accurately
A.E. Woodward Nutt“WHAT is its top speed?” This is the question which is perhaps most frequently asked about any new aeroplane, and it is certainly a question which is usually incorrectly answered…
Protection of Light Alloys: The Resistance to Corrosion of Aluminium and Magnesium Base Alloys with Methods of Protection
E.C.J. Marsh, E. Mills, M.Int.Met.PROBABLY one of the most remarkable features of our generation has been the ability of the metallurgist to produce alloys meeting the current needs of industry in providing the…
Some Books Recently Received
No branch of aerodynamics is left untouched in this book and with so wide a scope the treatment has inevitably to be selective and condensed. The book is not for the novice; to…
Sheet Metal Working Processes: Deep Drawing and a New Process, Stretching, as Practised at Dessau
WITH the growth of large‐scale production of metal aircraft, the development of workshop practice progressively approximates more nearly to the methods employed in motor‐car…
Air Ministry Official Notices
Add the following new section to paragraph 1 of Notice No. 13 of 1931 :—
Air Ministry Contracts
The following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during January is extracted from the February issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette :—
Research Reports and Memoranda
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National Advisory…
U.S. Patent Specifications
In an aircraft having adjustable pitch propellers with pitch control shafts projecting therefrom, means for simultaneously rotating said shafts either similarly or oppositely as…
Month in the Patent Office
An aircraft or other vehicle in which a stream of air taken in from the surrounding atmosphere is passed through a duct to cool the cooling surfaces placed therein of the engine…
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1929Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Phil Webb