Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 6 Issue 12


An International Journal

Table of contents

Staffing the Industry: Some Reflections on the vexed Problem of Education

WE cannot help envying those who have achieved fixed and definite views on the question of education and training. There is no subject on which opinions differ more widely. It is…

The Problem of Vertical Flight: An Examination of the Characteristics of the Helicopter in Comparison with the Autogiro and Cyclogiro

J.H. Crowe

THERE is, however, one method of considering the problem theoretically which is given tentatively here. Assuming the helicopter has its blade angle reduced so that it will…

A New French Light Aeroplane: The Salmson Engine Firm Return to Aeroplane Design with a Three‐Seater Tourer

R.J. de Marolles

AEROPLANE manufacturers exhibit a growing tendency towards building their own engines; conversely, there are instances of engine manufacturers starting aeroplane construction…

Fuels for Aero‐Engines: A Discussion of the Physical Characteristics of Various Alternatives

E.L. Bass

FUEL quality not only has a very great influence on engine operation and maintenance, but it is also one of the most important factors controlling engine development. Gasolines…

Aero‐Engine Installation: A Consideration of the Difficulties confronting the Installation Engineer, with some Suggested Remedies

J. Pettitt‐Herriot

THE first essential in the design of an efficient exhaust system is that the exhaust gases should be carried away from the engine and clear of the aircraft without undue increase…

Seaplane Take‐off Weights: Part I.—The Factors on which the Maximum Take‐off Performance Depends

E.T. Jones

BECAUSE of its ability to take off at the maximum weight that it can sustain in the air at sea level, the landplane has always had a greater range than the seaplane. With the…

A Machine for Producing Airscrews: A French Addition to Airscrew Workshop Equipment Designed on Novel Lines

THE problem of the machine finishing of perfectly balanced airscrews is claimed to have been solved in France with the appearance of a machine developed for the purpose after…

Air Ministry Official Notices: Instructions to Aeroplane Owners and Ground Engineers on Essential Modifications

No. 32 of the year 1934 Airscrews to the undermentioned designs have been approved and additions should be made to the appropriate Notices:—

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National Advisory…

Month in the Patent Office: A Selection of the More Important Aircraft and Engine Specifications Published Recently

Separate radial cooling ribs b are arranged so that their sides form between them a number of helical guiding channels for the cooling air. The ribs taper outwards and the section…

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  • Prof Phil Webb