Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 3 Issue 2


An International Journal

Table of contents

A Fresh Phenomenon: The Importance to be Attached to Buffeting

WE have thought it well to devote considerable space in this issue to the important report of the Accidents Investigation Sub‐Committee of the Aeronautical Research Committee on…

The Design of Wind Tunnels: Notes on Past History and Present Tendencies, Showing the Advantages of the Open‐Jet type

Ernest F. Relf

DURING the last year or two the construction of several new wind tunnels in this Country has been commenced, after many years of inactivity in this direction. The new tunnels are…

A Pioneer Inverted Engine: The Argus “As 8,” fully Described and Illustrated with Drawings and a Power Curve

Manfred Christian

THE Argus aero‐engine “As 8” with its triple victory in the “Challenge de Tourisme International 1930,” gained an important triumph.

The Phenomenon of Buffeting: The Aeronautical Research Committee in an Accident Report call Attention to its Importance

THE Accidents Investigation Sub‐Committee of the Aeronautical Research Committee has issued a detailed technical report on the accident to the Junkers F.13‐type aeroplane G‐AAZK

Compression‐Ignition Engines: The History and Development of Heavy‐Oil Engines with a Section on Future Progress

D.R. Pye

I.—Historical IN this first lecture upon the origin and development of the heavy‐oil aero‐engine, to be delivered under the Akroyd‐Stuart foundation, it is appropriate to devote…

A German “Canard” Aeroplane: Some Notes on the Characteristics of the Focke‐Wulf “Ente” with Constructional Details

W.R. Schulz

THE type of aircraft which is now called the “Ente” is characterised by the fact that, in contrast to the normal aeroplane with a tail, it has an elevator in front of the main…

Gas Fuels for Airships: The Manufacture of Blau Gas, with Details of Some Possible Alternatives

Major P.L. Teed

WHILE the general principles of gas‐fuel propulsion for airships have been enunciated in a former article, there remain to be considered both the gases available and the means…

Aerodynamics for Engineers: V.—Aeroplane Performance in Normal Flight—Other Steady Motions—Elements of Airscrew Theory

N.A.V. Piercy

(1) An aircraft in steady, straight‐line motion can have no resultant force or couple acting upon it. This condition is never continuously maintained in flight, and the craft…

A Trio of New Books: Aero Engines and Airscrews and a Symposium in Honour of Aachen's New Building

Automobile and Aircraft Engines. By A. W. Judge, A.R.C.S., A.M.I.A.E. (Second Edition) [Pitman 42s. net.] The ground covered by the original edition of this book was so wide that…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National Advisory…

Month in the Patent Office: A Selection of the More Important Aircraft and Engine Specifications Published Recently

335,603. Cantilever Wings. Chorlton, A. E. L., 55, Lower Belgrave Street, and Haig, R. A. de H., 7, St. James's Street, both in London. June 27, 1929, No. 19759. [Class 4.]

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  • Prof Phil Webb