Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 3 Issue 10
An International JournalTable of contents
The Passing of an Era: The Gains and Losses of the Schneider Trophy Contests
ON September 12, 1931, Flight‐Lieutenant J. N. Boothman, of the British Schneider Trophy team, won the trophy outright for Great Britain by covering the distance of 350 kilometres…
The Japanese Research Institute: The Recently Opened Aeronautical Laboratory of Tokyo Imperial University
ON May 11, 1931, the Japanese Emperor formally opened the Aeronautical Research Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. Since abstracts of all the reports of the Institute issued…
The Rolls‐Royce Racing Engine: A Description of the Experimental and Development Work Involved in its Evolution
THE following is a brief description of the engines prepared by Messrs. Rolls‐Royce, Ltd., for the 1931 Schneider Trophy Race, with an indication of the sort of work that has to…
The Schneider Trophy Seaplane: Some Notes on the Special Features of the S.6.B. with Reasons for their Incorporation
AS a result of our experience with the 1929 aircraft, the following improvements were incorporated in the new 1931 aircraft, which are referred to as the “S.6.B.” type.
Welded Tube Construction: Fokker Robustness and Avro Ingenuity, with Wide Use of Jigs, at Manchester
G.H. HandasydeTHE firm of A. V. Roe & Co., of Manchester, is the outcome of the early efforts of the two brothers Roe, of whom A. V. was responsible for all the early practical work, and, with…
A University Wind Tunnel: The Detroit Single‐Return‐Flow Open or Closed Experimental Chamber Tunnel Described
Rollin J. FairbanksONE of the most recent wind tunnels built in the United States is that at the University of Detroit, officially put into operation in September, 1930, designed under the personal…
Experiments in Lateral Control: An Account of Tests with Autoslots and Interceptor and Spoiling Devices on the same Aircraft
W.G. JenningsWING tip automatic slots have proved an effective device for providing increased lateral stability at the stall and many service aircraft of the two seater and larger types have…
Ground Lighting Equipment: The Fundamental Considerations and Detailed Design of Lights for Airway and Aerodrome Use
THE British Committee was formed in June, 1929, in compliance with the recommendations of the International Commission on Illumination when at Saranac, New York, U.S.A., in…
Transmission of Light through Fog: An Attempt to Correlate the Results of Six Investigations Made in U.S.A. in Recent Years
F.G. BreckenridgeDURING the past twelve years there have been six investigations of the spectral transmission of light through fog, mist, or liaze carried out in the United States. The conditions…
Research Reports and Memoranda
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National Advisory…
Month in the Patent Office: A Selection of the More Important Aircraft and Engine Specifications Published Recently
Aeroplane wings, ailerons, &c., comprising transverse diaphragms carried on spars, have bent metal sections with beaded borders sprung into notches in the diaphragms to form the…
Recent Technical Developments: Some of the Accessories which contributed to the Schneider Trophy Seaplane and Engine Success
As in the S.6's of 1929, the plugs fitted to the engines of this year's Schneider Trophy seaplanes were supplied by Lodge Plugs, Limited, of Rugby. Early readers of AIRCRAFT…
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1929Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Phil Webb