Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 27 Issue 5


An International Journal

Table of contents

Important Theoretical Work

IN this issue we publish the last section of the present part of DR J. H. ARGYRIS'S ‘Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis’. It may not be out of place to give some indication…

The Design and Execution of Electrical Installations: Recommendations for the Arrangement and Installation of Aircraft Electrical Equipment

F.B. Brookesmith

IN this paper an attempt is mads to give some guidance as to what is needed for a modern aircraft electrical installation. The subject is extremely wide, and the electrical…

The Library Shelf

This volume, under the joint authorship of Professors Biezeno and Grammel, respectively of the Technical High Schools of Delft and Stuttgart, is the first of four which will…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States…

An American Ground Test Silencer: Particulars of a Modern Jet Engine Silencer at Northrop Aircraft

Thomas A. Dickinson

A NEW silencer now being used by Northrop Aircraft, Inc., in ground testing jet engines at Hawthorne, California, attenuates sound waves from an intensity of 148 to 108 db. at a…

New Materials

A cold‐setting plastic metal amalgam—Hermetal—is produced by the Kenilworth Manufacturing Co. Ltd. of West Drayton, Middlesex. Its principal applications are found in the repair…

Tools for the Workshop

Aircraft radial engines are normally crated and shipped in a vertical position, and a considerable amount of handling is necessary to turn them into the horizontal position for…

Trade Announcements

Squadron‐Leader A. Firth has been appointed General Service Manager of Blackburn & General Aircraft Limited, and will be responsible to the Managing Director, Mr Eric Turner, for…

Month in the Patent Office

An engine installation consists of a main turbo‐jet unit 11, preferably of the by‐pass type, in the tail of the fuselage, and a series of slave turbine units 14 mounted in the…

U.S. Patent Specifications

In an aircraft, a pair of laterally spaced control surfaces adapted to be operated simultaneously to initiate a flight control movement of the aircraft about one of its manoeuvre…

Cover of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology



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  • Prof Phil Webb