Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 21 Issue 1
An International JournalTable of contents
An Explanation
THE Editorial in our issue of last November—‘Unfair to Aeroplanes’—was designedly written on a controversial note to act as a gadfly in calling attention to what we believed to be…
The Plastic, Creep and Relaxation Properties of Metals
THE work described in this paper is part of a programme concerned with the plastic, creep, and relaxation properties of metals under complex stress systems at elevated…
A New American Air Liner: A Technical Review of the Outstanding Features of the Convair Twin‐Engined 40‐seater
Stanley H. EvansREPRESENTING America's latest bid for the twin‐engined medium range civil transport world market—hitherto largely monopolized by the ubiquitous Douglas DC‐3 —the…
An Integral Relationship for Boundary Layer Flow: A New Relation for Use Either Simultaneously with, or in Replacement of, the von Kármán Momentum Integral with Satisfactory Results
L G. WhiteheadAN approximate solution of the boundary layer equations recently completed involved the assumption of a velocity profile through the boundary layerdepending on two parameters. As…
Boundary Layer Calculations: A Further Paper Describing a Simplification of the New Method of Solution Previously Described
N.A.V. Piercy, L.G. WhiteheadANOTHER paper (Ref. 1) establishes a new approximate solution of the boundary layer equations devised to meet difficulties that are encountered in applying earlier solutions to…
The Oxy‐acetylene Welding of Aluminium and Its Alloys: Notes on the Preparation and Technique of Welding These Non‐Ferrous Materials
G. Fitzgerald‐LeeTHE use of aluminium and aluminium alloys has grown to an enormous extent during recent years and there are few industries where aluminium docs not find a place. This paper is…
Letters to the Editor: Views on a Recent Editorial which are Commented upon in our Present Leader
SIR, Your leading article ‘Unfair to Aeroplanes’ in the November 1948 issue of Aircraft Engineering is also ‘unfair’ both to airline operators and to civil aviation authorities.
A New Tyre, Brake and Undercarriage Testing Machine: Particulars of the Test Rig Designed and Built in Australia for the Testing of Individual Components or Complete Units within a Static Wheel load of 2,500–50,000 lb. and with a Maximum Overall Height of 10 feet
J.R. Green, H.A. WillsDURING the war the young aircraft industry in Australia made great strides. Design and development of new types of aircraft were undertaken and a need was soon felt for an…
Structural Details of the Ryan FR‐I Fireball: A Selection of Photographs and Drawings that Illustrate the General Features of a U.S. Naval Type that is not very Widely Known
THE Ryan Fireball was the first compositely engined aeroplane to be designed for the U.S. Navy and to go into regular service. Although in some respects it was an interim type…
Research Reports and Memoranda
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Notes of the United States National…
U.S. Patent Specifications
These details and drawings of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the Department of Commerce, from the ‘Official Gazette of the United States Patent…
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- Prof Phil Webb