Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 2 Issue 10
An International JournalTable of contents
The Value of Public Discussions
FROM the very first issue of this paper it has been a considered policy to allot a portion of our space to papers read before gatherings of interested persons, and reports of…
Tunnel Tests on High‐Speed Seaplanes: The Summarised Results of the N. P. L. Researches on the British 1927 Schneider Trophy Machines
W.L. CowleyIN the early part of 1926, tests were carried out in the N. P. L. wind tunnels upon models of high‐speed seaplanes for the Schneider Trophy‐Competition in America. Owing to lack…
The Construction of Aircraft in Steel: Some Reasons for Preferring this Material, with the Results of Ten Years' Research and Experience
Major F.M. GreenTHE material used for the construction of the wings of nearly all the aircraft made up to ten years ago was wood, generally silver spruce. Steel tube was sometimes used for the…
Aerodynamics for Engineers: I.—The Atmosphere—Air in Motion—Bernouilli's Equation—Nature of Lift and Drag—Kinds of Aircraft
N.A.V. PiercyIN these articles an attempt will be made to provide an introduction to a large subject specially serviceable to engineers. Restrictions on space make themselves felt in various…
Tank Tests with Seaplane Models: Suggestions, Based on Experience, for the Application of Model Results to Full Scale
R.J. MitchellAIRCRAFT construction, like shipbuilding and most other branches of engineering, is to a large extent an experimental science. That is to say, our knowledge is so limited in…
Three New German Machines: The First Amphibian—A Specially Designed Seaplane for Catapult Launching—A Comfortable Light Aeroplane
Waldemar C. BeckAT a flying meeting arranged jointly by the Mecklenburg Aero Club and the Deutsche Verkehrs Fliegerschule held at Warnemunde during the summer several interesting new types of…
Air‐Cooled Heavy Oil Engines: An Account of some British Experiments, with Suggested Deductions to be Drawn Therefrom
A.H.R. FeddenWHEN I was honoured with an invitation to give a paper before this Fifth International Air Congress, I received also a letter from a member of the committee, who is a famous power…
The Practice of Research: The Equipment Provided and Methods in Use at the Works of Messrs. Ricardo
J.F. Alcock, H.S. GlydeIN the first part of this article a description of the apparatus used for engine testing and research was given. The actual procedure in carrying out tests on an engine will now…
A Review of the Helium Question: A Comprehensive Survey of its Properties, Sources of Supply and Possibilities for Use in Airships
Major P.L. TeedWHILE owing to helium's absence of chemical affinities it might at first sight be imagined that its separation from a mixture of other gases could best be carried out by effecting…
Research Reports and Memoranda
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National Advisory…
Month in the Patent Office: A Selection of the More Important Aircraft and Engine Specifications Published Recently
Planes and the like, construction of; framework.—Cantilever wings, braced against torsional deflection, have spaced spars, composed of upper and lower narrow booms b1 b2, c1 c2…
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- Prof Phil Webb